Mon Bonnet de Nuit. Par M. Mercier... Tome Premier [-Quatrième]. Neuchâtel, la Société Typographique, 1784 [Vols III & IV: Lausanne, Jean-Pierre Heubach, 1785].
First Edition of Vols. I & II; Vols. III & IV same year as the first edition. Four volumes, 8vo, (190 x 114mm), pp. [iv], 396; [iv], 423; [ii], 360; [ii], 346, wanting the half-titles in the third and fourth volumes, occasional heavy browning in the last two volumes, in contemporary mottled calf, central monogram gilt on all covers, spines gilt in compartments, numbered in gilt, red morocco labels lettered in gilt.
Cioranescu 44452, calling for two 1784 Neuchatel volumes only; see also Gay III 257, 'curieux receuil d'anecdotes pour servir à l'histoire du XVIII siècle'.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Monument du costume physique et moral,
de la fin du Dix-Huitième Siècle ou Tableaux de la Vie. Tome Premier [-Second].
Londres, 1793.
Second English (Pirated) Edition, without the plates. Two volumes, 8vo, pp. [ii], xii, 185; [ii], 162, bound without the plates, uncut, in contemporary paste-paper boards, rebacked and with new paper spines, with printed labels, with the contemporary heraldic bookplate of Jephson, Mallow, Ireland, and the ownership inscription of ‘Louisa Jephson’ on both titles, another ownership inscription ‘S. Ranizini’ (?) in the second volume only.
ESTC t124306 for the Londres, C. Dilly, 1790 edition with two plates, listing BL, Cambridge, NT and DLC; OCLC lists the Bodleian copy only of a Londres 1773 edition, with 26 plates; no copy found of this edition found with or without the two Heath frontispieces.
Rives Child XXXVI/3 (p. 311); see Cioranescu 52687/8; Gay III, 275 (1789 edition, ‘rarissime complet et avec le texte’); Cohen de Ricci pp. 881-882.
More details Price: £250.00 -
Motions addressées à l’Assemblée Nationale
en faveur du sexe.
Paris, la Veuve Delaguette, 1789.
First Edition. 12mo (184 x 120 mm), pp. [ii], 10, caption title with date on half-title, disbound, front cover dusty, a little dog-eared and a little chipped along spine.
OCLC lists BN, BL, Munich, Bamberg, Berlin, Gotha, Pforzheimer, Iowa, Newberry and Utah.
See Mme Mouret, Annales de l’Education, vol. II, pp. 35-36; not in Martin & Walter.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Notice d'un livre imprimé à Bamberg en C I ) CCCCLXII,
lue à l’Institut National, par Camus.
Paris, Imprimeur de l’Institut National, An VII [1799].
First Edition. 4to (300 x 230 mm), pp. [ii], 29, [1], with five engraved plates, two of which are folding, uncut throughout in the original printed blue wrappers, some very light staining to extremities but otherwise in excellent original condition.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Novella Romantica col testo originale Inglese posta in versi Italiani sopra Traduzione Letterale e Poesie Diverse di L. P. Seconda Edizione. Bologna, Marsigli, 1823 (altered by stamp from 1821).
Three works in one, small 4to (200 x 145 mm), pp. [32], partly in parallel text with the English translation; pp. [24], with the divisional title ‘Rime Faceto-Morale’ handstamped ‘Estemporanee’; pp. [8], some of the paper lightly but evenly browned, in contemporary blue paper boards with simple gilt roll tool border, slim spine ruled into compartments in gilt with floral device in each compartment in gilt, extremities worn and some scuffing to the surface of the spine and boards, yellow edges.
Novella Romantica: OCLC lists BN and Bodleian only, both dated 1821, Bodley copy pp. [24]. The other two works not in OCLC.
More details Price: £750.00 -
Observations on Some Papers
In that very useful Collection, intitled, Museum Rusticum, By a Gentleman. To be Continued Occasionally. With New Theoretical and Practical Pieces on Husbandry.
London, W. Sandby, 1766.
First Edition. 8vo (120 x 140mm), pp. 53, [1], uncut throughout, one small engraved diagram in the text, stitched as issued, the title page marked with an ‘S’ in a contemporary hand, with a few small ink marks and some very light browning, generally an excellent, unsophisticated copy.
ESTC t112520 at BL, Rothampstead, Senate House Library, NYPL, Harvard and Yale.
Not in Fussell.
More details Price: £650.00 -
[Opera]. Elogia doctorum virorum ab avorum memoria publicatis ingenij monumentis illustrium. [with] Descriptiones, quotquot extant, regionum atque locorum. [with] Moschouia, in qua situs regionis antiquis incognitus, religio gentis, mores, &c. fidelissime referuntur. Basel, [Henricus Petrus and Petrus Perna,] 1561.
First Collected Edition. Three parts in one volume, 8vo (146 x 100 mm), pp. [xvi], 310, [x]; [xvi], 237, [i]; 180, [vi], separate title-page to each part, woodcut initials, intermittent traces of light dampstaining to upper and outer blank margins, slightly heavier to a handful of leaves, in a contemporary South German pigskin binding over bevelled wooden boards, stamped to a double blind ruled panel design, outer border with blind-stamped crucifixion, snake wrapped around the cross and St Peter, lozenge-shaped ornaments on the central panels, bordered with blind stamps of rosettes and stars, two brass clasps (one wanting hook), raised bands, titles inked to spine and upper margin of upper board, extremities a little rubbed, traces of old bookplate on front pastedown, a few near contemporary marginalia to the third work.
Graesse III, 490 only mentions the 1578 Basel edition; not in Brunet.
OCLC locates Yale only.
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Oratione del Signor Zambattista Vianello Ambasciatore della Citta di Chioggia, Nell’Assontione al Principato di Venetia, del Serenissimo Giovanni Bembo. Recitata li 21. d’Aprile 1616. Venice, Deuchino, 1616.
[bound after:] GRIGIS, Giovanni Pietro.
Oratione al serenissimo Antonio Priuli Principe di Venetia. Venice, Deuchino, 1618. 1543First Editions. 4to (198 x 148 mm & 192 x 142 mm), Vianello: pp. [8], in plain paper as wrappers with blank endleaves; Grigris: pp. [16], blank endleaves and outer paper wrappers, with a feint paint wash to front and rear, the front cover with a watercolour of the Priuli arms within a painted oval, both works sewn in to a later wallet-style limp vellum binding, the vellum decorated with simple ruling, later green cord used as a tie.
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
Original Poems on Several Occasions. By Miss Whateley. London, Dodsley, 1764.
First Edition. 8vo, (210 x 135mm), pp. 9, [i], 24 list of subscribers, 11-117, [1], [2] contents, p. 78 misnumbered p. 87, some light browning, slightly sprung, in contemporary quarter sheep over marbled boards, lower joint cracked, front joint detached, with Lord Kilmorey’s ownership inscription on the title-page with the Esher heraldic bookplate.
ESTC t90935.
More details Price: £1,600.00 -
Barde du IIIe siècle. Poésies Galliques en vers Français, par P.M.L. Baour Lormian. Second Edition corrigée et augmentée.
Paris, Didot, 1804.
Second Edition of this translation. 12mo, pp. [vi], 288, text lightly foxed, in contemporary polished calf (almost cat’s paw), gilt borders to covers, flat spine gilt in compartments with black morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, with a bookplate removed from the intitial blank.
OCLC lists the National Library of Scotland, California State, Harvard, Bowdoin and South Carolina.
See Cioranescu 9341.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Padhre na Moulh,
ou le Mendiant des Ruines, Roman Irlandais par M. Banim. Traduit de l’Anglais par M. A.-J.-B. Defauconpret, Traducteur des romans historiques de Sir Walter Scott. Tome Premier [-Second].
Paris, Gosselin, 1829.
First Edition in French. Two volumes, 12mo, (162 x 96mm), pp. [iv], 234; [iv], 216, in contemporary quarter sheep over diagonally striped grey boards, vellum tips, spines ruled, numbered and lettered in gilt, edges sprinkled, with Anthony Surtees’ bookplate.
OCLC lists Trinity College Dublin and Brigham Young only. The British Library also has a copy.
See Block p. 13; not in Sadleir.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Paul and Virginia. Translated from the French of Bernardin Saint-Pierre; by Helen Maria Williams, author of Letters on the French Revolution, Julia a Novel, Poems, &c. Paris, John Hurford Stone, 1795.
First Edition of this Translation. 8vo (220 x 130), pp. [ii], viii, [2], 9-274, with six stipple engraved plates, by Lingée, Lefebvre and Clément, two after designs by Dutailly, tissue guards to all but one of the plates, some scattered foxing, the text printed on mixed stock, much of which is slightly blue-tinted and watermarked ‘P Lentaigne’, occasional light spotting, small marginal hole on D1, one gathering sprung, in contemporary calf, worn at extremities, head and foot of spine chipped, roll tool border to covers within double fillet gilt, corner fleurons and circles gilt, flat spine gilt in compartments, blue morocco label lettered in gilt, both covers badly scratched, with bright marbled endpapers and gilt edges.
ESTC t131741, listing BL, Bodleian, Wisbech; Cornell, Harvard, Morgan, Penn, Princeton, Smith College, Toronto, UCLA, Chicago, Illinois, Virginia and Yale.
Cohen-de Ricci 932 (calling for only 5 plates); no details given in Garside, Raven & Schöwerling, see note on HMW’s translation in 1788:71.
More details Price: £3,000.00 -
Pensées philosophiques.
The Hague, aux dépens de la compagnie, 1746.
Third Edition. 12mo, (133 x 68 mm), engraved frontispiece (98 x 57 mm) and pp. [ii], 136, [12], printer’s ornament on title-page with four heads around a central block of 20 squares, the pagination irregular between p. 31 and p. 46 (as in Adams PD3), small partial tear on title-page, across two lines of text but with no loss, some spotting and browning in text, in nineteenth century brown morocco, single filet gilt border to covers with corner fleurons, spine gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, brown marbled endpapers with morocco strengthening at gutter, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot, PD3; Cioranescu 24143; Cohen-de Ricci col. 305.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk.
The Second Edition. Volume the First [-Third].
Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1819.
First Edition. (though styled the second, as part of the satire). Three volumes, 8vo (217 x 128 mm), engraved portrait frontispiece to the first volume and pp. xv, [i], [v]-viii, 64, 61-333; viii, 363; ix, [i], 351, [1], [1] advertsisements, thirteen further engraved plates and one part-page illustration of a Glasgow steam-boat (III, 351), some offsetting and very occasional spotting, in contemporary russia, gilt and blind border to covers, spines gilt in compartments, lettered and numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers and edges, gilt dentelles, with the heraldic bookplate of Westport House (Co. Mayo) in each volume.
CBEL 2189.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Philosophie de Kant.
Ou Principes Fondamentaux de la Philosophie Transcendentale. Par Charles Villiers, de la Société royale des sciences de Gottingue. Première [-Seconde] Partie.
Metz, Collignon, 1801.
First Edition. 8vo, (180 x 115 mm), pp. lxviii, 249, [1], [2], 251-441, lacking the final endpapers, small stain to the upper margin of the preliminary leaves, marginal paper repair to title-page, in contemporary tree calf, rather worn, corners bumped, front joint cracking, flat spine gilt in compartments with black morocco label lettered in gilt, paper label largely removed, marbled endpapers, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
OCLC lists the National Library of Spain only.
Cioranescu 63496.
More details Price: £2,400.00 -
Plan d’un cours de litterature francoise;
proposé pour l’usage de Monseigneur le Dauphin.
From the first and only edition. 16mo (133 x 76 mm), pp. [ii] section title, 23-106, in contemporary polished calf, blind border to covers, spine gilt in compartments and lettered in gilt, extremities worn, marbled endpapers, edges gilt, with the contemporary ownership inscription of Boissonade on the section page, early acquisition or shelf mark notes on the front endpaper and bibliographical notes on the initial blank, ‘par de Flins, vers 1784 (Barbier). Poullin de Fins est auteur de l’Almanach Dauphin qui parut en 1784 et dont cet opuscule parait faire partie’.
See Cioranescu 51189 (Almanach Dauphin); see Grand-Cartaret 757.
OCLC lists Almanach Dauphin, 1784, at BN only.
More details Price: £850.00 -
by J. Aikin, M.D.
London, J. Johnson, 1791.
First Edition. 8vo, (195 x 113 mm), pp. x, 136, some scattered foxing in the text, in contemporary calf, spine simply ruled in gilt with red morocco label lettered in gilt, front joint just beginning to crack, some wear to extremities and light fading on the covers.
ESTC t85576.
More details Price: £350.00 -
By Thomas Townshend, Esq. of Gray’s Inn.
London, T. Bensley for E. and S. Harding, 1796.
First Illustrated Edition. 8vo (180 x 105 mm), pp. vii, [i], 112, with engraved plate and numerous engravings in text, in contemporary red morocco, black morocco label lettered in gilt horizontally, spine ruled in gilt, with marbled endpapers and gilt edges.
ESTC t88554.
More details Price: £320.00 -
Poems on Various Subjects
by Robert Ferguson. In two parts.
Paisley, Neilson, 1796.
18mo, (130 x 78mm), pp. iv, [5]-226, [2] contents, text fairly browned in part, in contemporary calf, foot of spine chipped, rubbed on extremities but sound, with the ownership inscription of ‘Robert Whyte, Pewterer, 1802, Volm 24’.
ESTC n24650, at NLS, Bodleian, Columbia and Huntington only.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Poetæ minores Græci. Hesiodus, Theocritus, Moschus,... Quibus subjungitur eorum potissimum quae ad Philosophiam Moralem pertinent, Index Utilis. Accedunt etiam Observationes Radulphi Wintertoni in Hesiodum. Cambridge, Hayes, 1684.
8vo, pp. [viii], 224, 227-533, [1], 88, [1], [2], title-page with typographic border, parallel text in Greek and Latin throughout, tightly bound in continental contemporary vellum, double gilt filet to covers with corner ornaments, central rectangular panels with a hooved long-tailed figure with a human face leaning on a heraldic shield, lacking ties, spine ruled and stamped in gilt, in four compartments, tooling faded and lettered in ink over the faded ornament in the top compartment, with the bookplate of Reinholdi Dezeimeris in Latin and Greek.
Wing P2734.
More details Price: £500.00