Politica de Dios,
y Govierno de Christo, Sacada de la Sagrada Escritura, para acierto de Rey, y Reyno en sus Acciones. Por Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Senor de la Torre de Juan Abad.
Madrid, Joseph Rodriguez de Escobar, 1729.
4to, (208 x 142mm), pp. [xvi], 333, [4] table of contents, text heavily browned in part, but externally wonderfully fresh in later eighteenth century English half calf over marbled boards, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, the Macclesfield copy with blind stamps, shelf marks and the South Library bookplate.
OCLC lists Columbia, DLC, Penn State and Dibam Biblioteca National de Chile.
Palau 243833.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Politische und Vertraute Correspondenz Ludwig’s XVI:
mit seinen Brüdern, und mehrern berühmten Personen während der letzten Jahre seiner Regierung, und bis an seinen Tod.
Strasburg, Gesellschaft der Gelehrten, 1804.
First Edition in German. 8vo (190 x 120 mm), pp. [xii], 159, [1], 163, [1], title page laid down, in later half roan over marbled boards, spine ruled and stamped in blind, gilt tooling faded, with red morocco label lettered in gilt, dark marbled endpapers, red edges.
OCLC lists a handful of copies but only Duke outside Germany.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Predigten fur junge Frauenzimmer von Jacob Fordyce aus dem Englischen.
Leipzig: bey Weidmanns Erben und Reich, 1767.
First Edition in German. Two volumes, small 8vo (153 x 90 mm), pp. [xvi], [x], 452; [vi], 458, printed in gothic script, lightly but evenly browned throughout, in contemporary green goatskin, the covers elaborately gilt with a vertical border of two lines supporting a climbing plant, curving in to form the upper and lower borders, with a rococo swag at the top and a floral bouquet at the foot, the spines gilt with six compartments and raised bands, red morocco labels lettered in gilt, the volumes numbered directly in another compartment, edges and dentelles gilt, with pink silk endleaves and gilt edges: some slight wear to head and foot of spine, otherwise a gorgeous copy.
OCLC lists a handful of copies in Germany, two in Denmark and one at the National Library of Scotland.
More details Price: £3,500.00 -
Prentjes almanach, voor kinderen
het jaar 1799. Met 15 GecouleurdePlaatjens en Gedichtjens.
Amsterdam, Willem Houtgraaff, circa 1798.
First Edition. 24mo (100 x 75 mm), pp. [xx], 28, with 15 hand-coloured engraved plates, in the original blue publishers’ printed boards, title within typographical border, lower board also with printed text in border, some dampstaining and wear to extremities, spine faded and sometime strengthened.
John Landwehr, "Verzonken cultuurwaarde in oude jeugdliteratuur", Literatuur Zonder Leeftijd, Jaargang 16 (2002), pp. 231-240.
OCLC lists Morgan only; Cotsen also has a copy.
More details Price: £2,400.00 -
Principes Politiques sur le rappel des Protestans en France,
par M. ***. Première [-Seconde] Partie.
Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1764.
Same Year as the First Edition. Two parts in one volume, 12mo, (160 x 90 mm), pp. [iv], 163, iv (épitre dédicatoire à Madame la *** misbound before p. 163); [iv], 144, with the half-titles, title-pages printed in red and black with the same engraved title vignette on each volume, text a little dampstained, particularly title-pages, binding slightly sprung between the volumes, in contemporary speckled calf, double filet gilt to covers, spine ruled in gilt with olive green morocco label lettered in gilt, paper shelf mark label at the foot of the spine, with the later Leipziger Stadtbibliothek bookplate and library stamps of Leipzig University and Bibliothek von Schloss Püchau, crossed through, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
See Cioranescu 62546 (1768 edition only); Quérard IX, 580; INED 4633.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Private Life:
or, Varieties of Character and Opinion. In two volumes. By the author of “Geraldine”, &c. &c. Vol. I [-II].
London, Cadell, 1829.
First Edition. Two volumes, 8vo (189 x 110 mm), pp. [iv], 361, [1]; [iv], 391, [1], with the half-titles and a final advertisement leaf in Vol. II, in contemporary half black calf over marbled boards, spines gilt and blind-locked in compartments, red morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, extremities a little rubbed but a good copy, with the contemporary ownership inscription ‘Beatrice Mildred from her Mother, 1829’.
Garside, Raven & Schöwerling 1829:57; Wolff 4346; not in Sadleir.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Promenades de Monsieur de Clairenville. Où l’on trouve une vive peinture des Passions des hommes, avec des Histoires curieuses & véritables sur chaque sujet. Par Mr. D***. Cologne, 1755.
Third Edition. 12mo, (162 x 93 mm), pp. [iv], 362, [3] table of contents, in contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, red speckled edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
OCLC lists the 1723 edition at BN, Berlin, Toronto and Texas; the 1743 edition at Berlin, Newberry, Harvard, Tulane, Kansas and Boston PL and the present edition at Vanderbilt only.
Jones p. 35; MMF 55.R.6.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Receuil des plus belles pieces des Poetes françois
depuis Villon jusqu'à Benserade. Tome Premier... [-Sixième].
Paris, Compagnie des Libraires, 1752.
Six volumes, small 12mo, pp. [xi], [i], 322; [ii], 314; [ii], 292; [ii], 312; [ii], 296; [ii], 260, [2] approbation, in contemporary mottled calf, blind rule to covers, flat spines elaborately gilt in compartments, red and black morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, with the contemporary bookplate of 'G.D.M.', a member of the Guillebon family, and the typographic booklabel of Madame Guillebon, la jeune, circa 1800: an excellent set with a nice provenance.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Recherches sur l'origine du Despotisme Oriental.
Ouvrage Posthume de Mr. B.I.D.P.E.C...
Londres, Seyffert, 1762.
Second Edition; First Edition. Two volumes, 12mo, pp. xviii, [19]-264; xiv, [15]-216, folding engraved plate at ii, 94, in contemporary mottled calf, spines gilt in compartments with red morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, all edges red.
Recherches: see Cioranesco 13420.
Dissertation: Cioranesco 13421.More details Price: £500.00 -
Recollections of an Excursion
to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha. By the author of “Vathek”.
London, Bentley, 1835.
First Edition. 8vo, (213 x 128mm), frontispiece portrait and pp. [iii]-xi, [i], 228, bound without the half title, in contemporary half calf over brown and cream marbled boards, spine simply ruled in gilt with label lettered in gilt: the headcap and top section (up to 17mm) of the spine missing, marbled endpapers, inscribed on the initial blank ‘? Goldsworthy March 1842... This Book is the property of Mrs Goldsworthy’ and with the later booklabel of Philip O’Riordan Smiley, with bookseller’s order form loosely inserted.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha. By the author of “Vathek”. London, Bentley, 1835.
First Edition. 8vo, (213 x 128mm), frontispiece portrait and pp. [iii]-xi, [i], 228, bound without the half title, text a little foxed and browned, in slightly later half calf over marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt.
More details Price: £420.00 -
Remarques sur le gouvernement du royaume
durant les regnes de Henry IV, surnommé le Grand, de Louys XIII, surnommé le Juste et de Louys XIV, surnommé Dieu-donné, le Grand et l'Invincible.
Paris, Pierre de Marteau, 1688.
First Edition. 12mo (136 x 78 mm), pp. 197, [3] table, extra-illustrated with 12 early eighteenth century engraved portraits, with tissue-guards, title-page and last leaves considerably browned, the final leaf restored at the gutter, corners of title and one small marginal tear repaired, several other smallish old paper repairs, tear to corner of A2 (possibly original paper fault), in nineteenth century blue straight-grained morocco by Simier, covers with a roll-tool border in blind and gilt, spine tooled in compartments in blind and gilt, with gilt rules and lettering, the lower section dated and lettered ‘Relié par Simier’, board edges and dentelles gilt, extra vellum flyleaves, pink silk marker, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, with the later booklabel of Robert J. Hayhurst and the pencilled inscription ‘From the library of A.A. Renouard, extra illustrated’.
Renouard, Catalogue de la bibliothèque d’un amateur, IV, p. 152.
More details Price: £1,250.00 -
Reuben Apsley.
By the author of Brambletye House, The Tor Hill, &c. In three volumes. Vol. I [-III].
London, Colburn, 1827.
First Edition. Three volumes (187 x 113 mm), 8vo (195 x 115 mm), pp. viii, 340, [ii], 369; [ii], 392; half-title present in the first volume only, in a striking contemporary binding of half pale calf over marbled boards, the boards slightly rubbed, spines gilt in compartments with two red morocco labels on each spine, lettered and numbered in gilt, endpapers and edges marbled in brown and blue, with the booksellers ticket of Poole and Harding, Chester and the later contemporary ownership inscription of ‘Hugill’.
Sadleir, XIX Century Fiction, 3107; not in Wolff, who lists most of his other novels.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Review of Poetry,
Ancient and Modern. A Poem. By Lady M******.
London, Booth, 1799.
First Edition. 4to, (280 x 220mm), pp. [iv], 30, uncut throughout, last leaf a little dust-soiled, stitched as issued, extremities a little worn.
ESTC t106175; Jackson p. 238.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Revolution de l’Amerique.
Par M. l’Abbé Raynal, auteur de l’Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens, et du Commerce des Européans dans les deux Indes.
Londres, 1781.
Same year as the first edition. 8vo, pp. viii, 173, [3], D2 cut along the margin with loss, but nowhere near text, contemporary ownership inscription of ‘B.Imbert fils’ on the title page, in contemporary mottled calf, flat spine gilt in compartments with green morocco label lettered in gilt, some slight erosion to boards but generally an attractive copy.
ESTC n12895, at the BL, Cambridge, Reading, Amsterdam, American Philosophical Society, Brown, Gonzaga, Harvard, Lehigh, Princeton, San Antonio College and the Lilly Library.
See Cioranescu 52363 and 52364; Sabin 68103.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Rural Walks, in Spring:
Containing a Display of the Various Productions of the Season. Interspersed with Moral Reflections.
Birmingham: Biddle and Hudson, circa 1815.
First Edition? 12mo (136 x 86 mm), woodcut frontispiece used as pastedown and pp. [3]-47, final leaf also used as pastedown, woodcut vignette on title-page and 8 part page woodcut illustrations accompanying the text, 1 woodcut tail-piece, some slight browning, in the original brown stiff printed wrappers, woodcut illustration on the front cover, title printed within typographical border, the border repeated on the lower cover along with bookseller’s advertisements for ‘Juvenile Books, embellished with Beautiful Wood Cuts’, sewing visible but slightly loosening, with the ownership inscription ‘L. Burgess’ and a small stain on the title-page.
OCLC and JISC/Copac record only the British Library copy, which has an inscription dated 1820.
Not in the Osborne Collection catalogue; not in Cotsen, The Nineteenth Century.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Salmi Cantici ed Inni Cristiani del conte Luigi Tadini posti in musica popolare dai maistri Giuseppe Gazzaniga e Stefano Pavesi. Opera preceduta da alcune considerazione sulla Musica e sulla Poesia. Crema, Antonio Ronna, 1818.
First Edition. Folio (350 x 245 mm), pp. 60, [2], 25 engraved music, title-page dampstained, in the original red paper boards, flat spine gilt in compartments and lettered in gilt, with attractive red and green patterned endpapers.
OCLC lists BL and Glasgow only.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Set of 24 manuscript riddles, with index.
23 [of 24] thick coloured cards (115 x 77 mm), yellow, blue and pink, bearing numbered manuscript riddles, 1-182, the sequence starting on the verso of each card (1 - 103) and continuing on the versos, the cards lettered A to Z, without letters J and U (not included) but wanting Card X, written in ink in a neat hand, in landscape, typically three or four riddles per page, with an accompanying answer sheet, closely written in four sections on both sides of a single sheet (232 x 156 mm), folded in four to match the size of the question cards, with some answers not filled in.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Soirées du Bois de Boulogne,
ou Nouvelles Françoises et Angloises. Par M. le Comte de ****. I. [-II.] Partie.
Second Edition. Two volumes, 12mo, (138 x 68 mm), pp. xii, 265; iv, 280, text fairly browned in part, in contemporary red morocco, covers with triple filet gilt, flat spines ruled in compartments with sunburst tool in each compartment, lettered and numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, gilt dentelles, with an unidentified red heraldic booklabel stamped in gilt and the heraldic bookplate of Baron James de Rothschild in each volume.
OCLC lists BN, BL, Leeds, Danish Royal Library, Augsburg, Goettingen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Sainte Genevieve; for the 1742 edition, OCLC adds Princeton and Ottawa.
Cioranescu 16256; Jones p. 78; Gay III, 1123.
More details Price: £2,650.00 -
Suitte [sic] de la Legende Joyeuse.
‘Londres’, ie Paris?, Pyne, 1750.
First Edition. 16mo (110 x 75 mm), engraved frontispiece and pp. [106], title and text engraved throughout, calligraphic vignette on title, engraved head-piece above the first verse, tiny marginal wormholes throughout the text, in contemporary green goatskin, elaborate gilt foliate roll-tooled borders, spine gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, decorative floral endpapers in red, yellow and purple, head and foot of spine, and extremities of joints repaired, gilt edges, red silk marker, with Jacques Laget’s pictorial bookplate.
ESTC t135730, at BL, Bodleian, Paxton House and Gottingen.
Gay IV, 260-261.
More details Price: £2,000.00