- Tag = Children and Education
Courte Description des Quadrupèdes. 1843
Manuscript in Ink. 4to (280 x 220 mm), pp. [ii], [14], written in a neat hand in brown ink within single ink ruled border, an elaborate pen and ink wash drawing to the title-page, 11 further ink drawings of animals framed in yellow borders within brown and black ink rules, some of the inked borders bleeding through the paper, 9 of the 11 drawings tipped in, each picture labelled and accompanied by text written in a neat hand, some light browning throughout and occasional marks, in the original decorative wrappers, spine chipped, edges dog-eared.
More details Price: £3,500.00 -
Dissertation sur l’Education physique des enfants;
depuis leur naissance jusqu’à l’age de puberté. Ouvrage qui a remporté le prix le 21 mai 1762, à la Société hollandoise des sciences. Par M. Ballexserd, Citoyen de Geneve.
Paris, Vallat-la-Chapelle, 1762.
Second Edition. 12mo (175 x 110 mm), pp. [xvi], 189, [1], title-page copperplate vignette of Juno, in contemporary pale blue wrappers, wanting most of the spine with remnant of white paper title (or reinforcement) strip, front wrapper partly detached, extremities a little rubbed, but a nice unsophisticated copy, uncut throughout.
See Blake p. 29 (1762, pp. 238); Grulee 579 (1762, pp. 238) and 580 (1780); Forum, 4673; not in Cioranescu.
More details Price: £750.00 -
Fabulous Histories.
Designed for the Instruction of Children, respecting their Treatment of Animals. By Mrs Trimmer. Second Edition.
London, Longman, Robinson & Joseph Johnson, 1786.
Second Edition. 12mo (162 x 98 mm), pp. xi, [i], 203, [1] advertisements, the preliminary leaves bound at a slight angle but with all present and with sufficiently wide margin not to lose blank space, some light browning, in contemporary mottled (almost tree) calf, gilt roll-tool border to covers, flat spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt.
ESTC t118616, listing BL, Liverpool, NT, Free Library of Philadelphia, UCLA, Florida and Illinois.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Geografia de Fanciulli
ovvero metodo breve di geografia. Accomodato alla capacità de’ Giovenetti. Diviso in Lezioni, con la Lista delle Carte necessarie per istudiarla. Dal Sig. AB. Lenglet Dufresnoe Nona Edizione Tradotta dal Francese, nuovamente ricorretta, ed accresciunta de’ nomi de’ Sovrani, di loro elezione, dei cangiamenti di Dominio successi in Europa fino al 1783, che non erano nelle precedenti, e che facilitano lo studio, e l’uso di questa Scienza. Aggiuntovi un breve Compendio della Sfera.
Florence, stamperia Bonducciana, 1783.
8vo (178 x 125 mm), engraved frontispiece, unsigned, and pp. [ii], 164, scattered stains and foxing in the text, uncut throughout, in the original carta rustica, covers a little dusty with small ink stains, spine lettered by hand in ink.
See Cioranescu 39211; no copies of this edition listed in OCLC.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Les Trois Colonnes:
Jeu de Lotto avec un précis des plus beaux monuments de la capitale, et orné de 24 belles gravures.
[Paris] : Lith. Junin, circa 1840.
Boxed Game, 24 cards and 1 instruction card (230 x 154 mm), lithographed colour illustrations on blue, green and pink pasteboard cards, upper section of each card bearing a colour illustration of a building, the lower two thirds of each card divided into 8 sections vertically, from the left the columns having number grid, illustrated column, text, number grid, illustrated column, text, number grid, illustrated column, the number grids coloured in yellow, pink, green and blue, the outer columns in green, the central column in white, with the text very small and in italics, the instruction card set out neatly with black text inside a ruled border, scattered foxing and occasional stains to the cards, instruction sheet more heavily foxed, extremities of cards slightly rubbed, occasional marks on the coloured versos, preserved in the original slipcase box with fitted top, green panels with white borders, the front of the box has one of the cards pasted on, with the lower two thirds (the grid) on the main part of the box and the ‘Colonne de Juillet’, landscape scene with monument, on the removable lid, some wear and light staining but generally a very clean set.
OCLC lists Columbia only.
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Prentjes almanach, voor kinderen
het jaar 1799. Met 15 GecouleurdePlaatjens en Gedichtjens.
Amsterdam, Willem Houtgraaff, circa 1798.
First Edition. 24mo (100 x 75 mm), pp. [xx], 28, with 15 hand-coloured engraved plates, in the original blue publishers’ printed boards, title within typographical border, lower board also with printed text in border, some dampstaining and wear to extremities, spine faded and sometime strengthened.
John Landwehr, "Verzonken cultuurwaarde in oude jeugdliteratuur", Literatuur Zonder Leeftijd, Jaargang 16 (2002), pp. 231-240.
OCLC lists Morgan only; Cotsen also has a copy.
More details Price: £2,400.00 -
Rural Walks, in Spring:
Containing a Display of the Various Productions of the Season. Interspersed with Moral Reflections.
Birmingham: Biddle and Hudson, circa 1815.
First Edition? 12mo (136 x 86 mm), woodcut frontispiece used as pastedown and pp. [3]-47, final leaf also used as pastedown, woodcut vignette on title-page and 8 part page woodcut illustrations accompanying the text, 1 woodcut tail-piece, some slight browning, in the original brown stiff printed wrappers, woodcut illustration on the front cover, title printed within typographical border, the border repeated on the lower cover along with bookseller’s advertisements for ‘Juvenile Books, embellished with Beautiful Wood Cuts’, sewing visible but slightly loosening, with the ownership inscription ‘L. Burgess’ and a small stain on the title-page.
OCLC and JISC/Copac record only the British Library copy, which has an inscription dated 1820.
Not in the Osborne Collection catalogue; not in Cotsen, The Nineteenth Century.
More details Price: £500.00 -
The Child's Instructor,
or Picture Alphabet.
Glasgow, Lumsden & Son, cira 1815.
First Edition. 32mo (102 x 65 mm), pp. [32], first and last page blank, and pasted down onto the pink wrappers, oval woodcut title vignette and 26 oval wood engravings, rectangular woodcut printer’s device on final leaf, some browning in the text, occasional folds, in the original plain pink wrappers, the surface worn with some abrasion of the outer pink covering and a couple of small holes piercing through to the text, the title and final pages, the lower part of the spine just cracking and with a small nick in the centre of the spine, with a contemporary ink note on the front cover ‘Child’s Instructor’.
Osborne Collection II, p. 700; Cotsen Catalogue, 1164; Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 7; Tattersfield, Bewick, 2:78.
More details Price: £350.00 -
The English Instructor; or Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose, Selected from the most eminent English writers, and designed for the use and improvement of those who learn that Language. Paris, Vergani, 1801.
Second Edition. 12mo (165 x 100mm), pp. iv, 259, in contemporary calf-backed dark painted boards, front joint splitting slightly at the top, faded yellow edges.
OCLC lists Bodleian, Penn and Butler.
More details Price: £250.00 -
The Four Seasons of the Year,
to which are added Rural Poems, and Pastoral Dialogues, Imitated from Mr. Gay, with occasional Notes and Illustrations, for the Use and Entertainment of young Gentlemen and Ladies. By Bob Short. Author of the Country Squire, &c. &c.
London, H. Turpin & C. Stalker; Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham, and E. Andrews, Worcester, 1787.
First Edition? 12mo (164 x 100 mm), pp. 48, with eight part-page woodcuts in the text, on the section titles, damptstaining to the title-page and first three leaves, otherwise occasional blemishes and some light browning, several leaves cut close but no actual shaving to page numbers or text, wanting the endpapers, in the original green Dutch floral boards, with faded gilding, spine a little worn but largely present: a lovely copy preserved in a folding box.
See Osborne Collection I, p. 78 for the 16mo edition (under Bob Short).
ESTC t72853, at BL, Bodleian, Cornell and Harvard only.
More details Price: £6,500.00 -
The Life and Adventures of a Fly.
Supposed to have been written by Himself. Illustrated with Cuts.
London:printed for E. Newbery, At the Corner of St. Paul’s Church yard, by G. Woodfall, no. 22, Pate
First Edition? Unrecorded in Roscoe. 16mo (108 x 74 mm), woodcut frontispiece by John Bewick and pp. [iii-xviii], [19]-121, [7] advertisements, frontispiece printed on A1, with twelve further woodcut illustrations by Bewick in the text, small tears on G8 (pp. 111-112) and H7 (advertisement leaf), both through text but without loss, in contemporary Dutch gilt boards, the spine at some point replaced with plain calf, now rather worn but a sympathetic restoration.
ESTC t117748 does not differentiate between the variants given by Roscoe and therefore probably includes all the early Elizabeth Newbery editions. Copies listed at BL, Bodleian, Reading, Columbia, Harvard (2 copies) and the Morgan (2 copies); OCLC adds Vassar and American Philosophical Society; Princeton also has a copy of one of the early variants. Without further detailed research it is impossible to know if this is a unique copy of this variant.
Roscoe J190; Gumuchian 3787; not in Osborne.
More details Price: £6,000.00 -
The Life and Perambulation of a Mouse.
In Two Volumes. Vol. I [-II].
London, John Marshall, ca. 1790.
Two volumes, engraved frontispiece to each volume and pp. [iii]-xii, [13]-91; [iii]-xi, [i], [13]-84, [6] advertisements, title-pages engraved with calligraphic lettering and vignettes, with 46 part page woodcut illustrations in the text (25 + 21), both volumes skilfully rebacked, with new endpapers, the final leaf of the first volume (which was torn, just touching one letter, and a little stained) laid down, final leaf a little stained, title-page of Vol. II with offsetting from the dark impression of the plate, in the original Dutch floral boards with the dominant blue dye particularly noticeable in the first volume.
ESTC t92772, at BL, Bodleian, Harvard, Miami, North Carolina at Greensboro, Southern Mississippi and Yale.
Gumuchian 3506; Osborne I p. 273 (the single volume first edition, imperfect).More details Price: £3,600.00 -
The Most General School-Assistant.
Containing a complete system of arithmetic: the common and useful problems in practical geometry: the methods used in taking the dimensions of artificers work: mensuration of all kinds and superficies and solids, of artificers work, of timber, and of land: together with guaging [sic], bills of parcels, &c. &c.
Exeter, R. Trewman for Robinson & Roberts, London, &c., 1770.
First Edition. 12mo (171 x 102 mm), pp. x, [ii],191, printed on thick paper, woodcut head- and tail-pieces, diagrams and tables throughout the text, some browning in text, wanting the free endpapers, in contemporary sheep, blind ruled border to covers, spine badly chipped at head, joints cracking and weak, extremities rubbed, with the ownership inscription ‘Edward Harper’s Book, Oct 3rd 1833’ and ‘Born 16 of March’ to the front pastedown and a brief autobiographical poem by the same owner on the rear pastedown.
ESTC t170244, at BL, Cambridge, Exeter and two copies in Oxford; Michigan only in the States.
More details Price: £1,400.00 -
The Rational Dame;
or, Hints towards supplying Prattle for Children.
London, John Marshall, circa 1784-1786.
First Edition. 12mo (166 x 100 mm), engraved frontispiece and pp. [iv], xviii, 19-115, [1] errata, with nine further engraved plates in the text, closed tear to one plate, some browning in the text and some foxing, evidently a much loved copy, binding a little bit sprung, in contemporary unlettered sheep backed marbled boards, worn and rubbed at extremities, with the contemporary ownership inscription of Mary Ann Oates on the front endpaper (written up against the edge of the paper: Oat/es), large manuscript ‘M’ on the half-title (for Mary?) and ‘Mrs Oates 1/2 0 d’? on errata leaf.
ESTC t46303 lists BL, Bodleian, Birmingham, Indiana and UCLA.
Osborne I, p. 199 (second edition).
More details Price: £5,000.00