La Paysanne Parvenue,
ou les Mémoires de Madame la Marquise de L.V. Par M. le Chevalier de Mouhy. Tome Premier [-Quatriéme].
Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1757.
Four volumes (twelve parts) in two, 12mo, (160 x 95 mm), pp. [ii], 8, 240; [ii], 3-4, 206; [ii], 222; [ii], 260, title pages printed in red and black, considerable dampstaining in text, in contemporary mottled calf, spines gilt in compartments with red morocco labels lettered in gilt and brown labels numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers, extremities bumped, wormholes on the front board of the second volume, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Martin, Mylne & Frautschi, Bibliographie du genre romanesque français 1751-1800, 57.R38; see also Jones p. 56; Cioranescu 47515 (7 parts) and 47516 (Amsterdam, 12 parts).
OCLC lists the BN and two copies in Slovenia.
More details Price: £200.00 -
La Saxe Galante.
Ou Histoire des Amours d’Auguste I. Roi de Pologne.
Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1736.
Third Edition. 12mo (146 x 88 mm), pp. [ii], 416, title page printed in red, first and final leaves a little dampstained, binding internally sprung but externally sound, in later vellum, marbled endpapers, spine simply ruled and lettered in gilt, with the ownership inscription ‘A. de Meslon’ (?).
See Jones p. 54; Cioranescu 50714; Gay III, 1078-1079; MMF 63.R.37.
Not in OCLC, which lists an ebook, linked to a digital version of the Harvard copy.
More details Price: £200.00 -
La Taureau Bannal de Paris.
Cologne, Pierre Marteau, 1689.
First Edition. 12mo (140 x 80 mm), pp. 160, woodcut title vignette depicting a sphere, old tear on title, reinforced by backing sheet covering 2/3 of the verso, adhesive taking in the gutter of A2, close to typographical vignette, some spotting and browning throughout, in contemporary calf-backed patterned boards, rather dusty, small red morocco label lettered in gilt, with the illustrated bookplates of A. Leher and Robert J. Hayhurst.
In addition to the BN and a handful of copies in Continental Europe, OCLC lists Cambridge, UCLA, Ohio State and Toronto.
Williams, Bibliography of the Seventeenth Century Novel in France, p. 237; Gay III, 1182.
More details Price: £650.00 -
La Vie de Laurent de Medicis,
surnommé le Grand, et le Père des Lettres, Chef de la Republique de Florence; Adressée au Pape Léon X: Traduite du Latin de Nicolas Valori, son Contemporain. Avec des Notes, & quelques Piéces anciennes qui ont rapport au même sujet.
Paris, Nyon, 1761.
First Edition in French. 12mo, pp. xxiv, 346, [2], small marginal hole on p. 65, in contemporary northern European mottled calf, flat spine gilt in continuous diced pattern, orange morocco label lettered in gilt, brightly patterned black and white endpapers, all edges red, from the Starhenberg library at Schloss Eferding, though not so designated.
Cioranescu 31682.
More details Price: £300.00 -
La Vita di Pietro Aretino scritta dal conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli Bresciano. Padua, Comino, 1741
First Edition. 8vo, engraved portrait frontispiece and pp. viii, 303, [1] colophon, [4] advertisements, in contemporary glazed cream paper boards, front joint cracking, headcap chipped, some other light wear and stains, yellow labels on spine lettered in gilt, the lower one ruled in ink.
Brunet III, 1563.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Le Bachelier de Salamanque,
ou les Memoires de D. Cherubin de la Ronda, tirés d'un Manuscrit Espagnol, par Monsieur Le Sage.
Paris, Valleyre, 1736.
First Edition. 12mo, (155 x 84mm), pp. [viii], 378, [5], with three engraved plates, one to accompany each section, outer corner of text dampstained in the last few leaves and some light browning to the prelims, in contemporary or slightly later free-style tree calf with an attractive simple gilt border on the covers, the spine stained green, gilt in compartments with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, Chiswick bookplate.
Jones p. 59; Cioranescu 39528 (giving p. 383); Cohen-de Ricci c. 635; Tchemerzine VII, 206.
More details Price: £250.00 -
Le Masque,
ou Anecdotes particulières du Chevalier de***.
Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1750.
First Edition. 12mo (160 x 92 mm), pp. [vi], 205, with the half-title, in contemporary calf, blind rule to covers, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, red edges, marbled endpapers, green silk marker.
Outside Continental Europe, OCLC lists Cambridge, Bodleian, Yale, UCLA and NYPL.
Cioranescu 27207; Gay III, 77; Jones p. 105.
More details Price: £750.00 -
Le monde, son Origine, et son Antiquité. [-De l’Ame et de son Immortalité - Essai sur la Chronologie.]
Première [Seconde] Partie.
Londres, 1751.
First Edition. Three parts in one volume, 12mo, (168 x 100mm), pp. xii, 244; [iv], 172; 72, some leaves in the final part dust-soiled along the lower edge, prior to binding, in contemporary polished calf, triple filet to covers, flat spine continuously gilt with brown morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, with the decorative engraved bookplate of the ‘Bibliothèque de Henri Tardivi’.
Darnton, The Corpus of Clandestine Literature in France 1769-1789, no. 452; Cioranescu 11384 & 45100-45101 & 39047-39048.
ESTC n30361, well held in France and the UK; California State, Wisconsin-Madison, DLC, UCLA, Chicago and North Carolina in America. OCLC adds Princeton and Stanford.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Le Nouveau Testament De Nostre Seigneur Jesus-Christ;
Avec l’approbation des Docteurs de la faculte de Theologie de Paris, & de Louuain. Enrichy de Figures.
Troyes, Oudot, 1635.
Small 8vo (115 x 90 mm), pp. [xii], 971, [37], numerous part-page woodcut illustrations throughout the text, lightly browned throughout, in contemporary vellum covered with later marbled paper and cloth backing: a workaday and rather ugly solution, but sound, with early manuscript notes on the front endpaper and the ownership inscription of John Wasley on the rear endpaper.
Not in OCLC, CCFr or KVK.
More details Price: £1,500.00 -
Le Passe-Tems Agréable,
ou Nouveaux Choix de Bons Mots, de Pensées Ingénieuses, de Rencontres Plaisantes, dont une partie n’avoit point encore été mise au jour, Enrichi d’une Elite des plus Vives Gasconnades, Qui ne sont point dans le Gasconniana, Et de quelques Nouvelles Histoires Galantes, Le tout avec des Réflexions. Nouvelle Edition, augmentée de plus de double. Première Partie [-Seconde].
New Edition, ‘double the size of the last’. Two volumes, 12mo, pp. [xiv], 228; [ii], 216, in contemporary mottled calf, flat spines gilt in compartments with floral vignette, red and olive green morocco labels lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges red, green silk markers.
OCLC lists Louisiana State University.
More details Price: £380.00 -
Le Sacrifice De L’Amour; ou La Messe de Cythere; suivi du Sermon prèché a Gnide, et d’un nouveau Dictionnaire d’Amour, dans lequel on trouvera plusieurs pièces inédites ou peu connues, telles que l’Art de prendre les oiseaux, ou les leçons de l’amour, poëme anacréontique; les articles les plus piquans du Dictionnaire d’Amour du berger Sylvain; la plus grande partie de ceux du Dictionnaire d’Amour qui parût à la Haye, en 1741; et une foule de morceaux extraits des meilleurs écrivains anciens et modernes. ‘Sybaris’, ie. Bordeaux, ‘l’Imprimeur Ordinaire du Plaisir’, 1809.
First Edition. 12mo (183 x 100 mm), 8vo, pp. [xvi], 17-313, [2] errata, [1] blank; some foxing and browning in the text, uncut throughout recased in contemporary marbled wrappers with later card pastedowns, lacking free endpapers.
OCLC lists BN, BL, Cambridge, Amsterdam, McGill and Stanford.
Cioranescu 42536; Gay III, 1059.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Le Siècle de Louis XIV.
Publié par M. de Francheville conseiller aulique de sa Majesté, & membre de l’acadénie roiale des sciences & belles lettres de prusse. Tome Premier [-Second].
Berlin, Henning, 1751.
First Edition. Two volumes in one, 12mo, (144 x 85mm), pp. [xiv], 488, [1] errata; [ii], 466, [2], errata, with the half-title to the first volume, in contemporary calf, rather worn, spine gilt in compartments, foot of spine chipped, wormhole to the head of spine, wanting the front endpaper, red edges.
BN Voltaire Catalogue 3361-3363.
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Le Sopha, Conte Moral.
Première [-Second] Volume.
‘Gaznah’, ie Paris, 1742.
Second Edition. Two volumes, 12mo in eights and fours, (162 x 92mm), pp. [vi], 298; [vi], 264, title pages in red and black, in contemporary calf, spines gilt in compartments, head of spines chipped, upper joint of first volume cracking, other joints beginning to show some wear, extremities bumped, red morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, with the bookplate of Anthony Conyers Surtees in volume one.
Jones p. 79; Tchemerzine IV, p. 193 (b) and p. 194 (figs. I & II); Gay III 1135; see Cioranescu 21744.
OCLC lists McGill, Arkansas, Yale, Harvard, Texas, Bodley & V&A; RLIN adds Princeton and Penn.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Le Soupé des petits-maîtres, Ouvrage Moral. Première [-Seconde] Partie. ‘Londres’, ie Paris, circa 1772.
First Edition. 12mo (164 x 90 mm), pp. xxiv, [25]-144; vi, [7]-104, text damp-stained and browned in part, in a modern pastiche binding of blue quarter calf over blue boards, spine gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, inscribed in a contemporary hand on both title-pages ‘Cte de Cunha, Liva de Bulhaco
MMF 70.32; Gay III 1139 (a detailed entry: 'livre rare et curieux pour l'histoire des moeurs du XVIII siècle'). Neither Cioranescu (who lists a Soupir, ouvrage moral, Londres 1772, no. 15126) nor Quérard, who calls Cailhava 'un des meilleurs auteurs comiques de son temps', list this work.
ESTC t1330851, listing the British Library, Taylorian and Illinois only. A later edition is also listed under the title Le Soupé, ouvrage moral, [1780?], at the Taylorian and Stanford only.
More details Price: £850.00 -
Le Trésor des almanachs,
étrennes nationales, curieuses, nécessaires et instructives; considérablement augmentées. Pour l’année bissextile...
Paris, Cailleau, 1784.
First Edition. 24mo, pp. 144, first and last pages blank but for black border, woodcut frontispiece in red depicting the royal family, woodcut vignettes and medallions, all pages printed within simple woodcut border, occasional small stains and spots, stitched in the original pink floral gilt paper, edges gilt.
OCLC lists the Library Company of Philadelphia only.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Le Veritable Pere Josef
Capucin, nommé au Cardinalat. Contenant l’histoire anecdote du Cardinal de Richelieu.
Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Butler, 1704.
Second edition, first under this title. 12mo, pp. [iv], 589, [11], some light browning to text, in contemporary polished calf, triple gilt ruled border to covers, spine chipped at head and foot, otherwise attractive, richly gilt in compartments with a brown morocco label lettered in gilt, all edges marbled, blue marbled endpapers, with a barely readable ownership inscription on the title page and ‘Bibliothèque de Gaignal’ in a contemporary hand in brown ink on the final free endpaper.
See Cioranescu 59193.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Le Ville lucchesi con altri opuscoli in versi e in prosa
di Filandro Cretense.
Parma, Stamperia Reale, 1783.
[with:] Versi per la promozione al vescovato di Piacenza del paFirst editions. Two works in one volume, 8vo (200 x 140 mm), pp. [ii], [viii], 195, text printed within decorative border throughout, page numbers also set in a typographical surround, the text block small within a large page, followed by Versi: pp. 24, unpressed throughout, with a small hole to the lower blank margin of the first three leaves, traces of adhesive to lower edge of pp. 97-114, in contemporary block-stamped paste-paper boards in olive green with pattern of black and gold squares, the surface of the paper worn at extremities, binding very slightly sprung, contemporary manuscript shelf mark in ink on the rear pastedown and with contemporary manuscript additions to the errata of the first work, possibly in the same hand.
I. Brooks 239, var. A; Cerati VIII, 195.
II. OCLC lists three copies, only Getty in America.More details Price: £1,000.00 -
Le Voyageur Philosophe dans un Pais inconnu aux habitans de la Terre. Par Mr. de Listonai. Tome Premier [-Second]. Amsterdam, aux dépens de l'Editeur, 1761.
First Edition. Two volumes, 12mo, (182 x 105mm), pp. xxiv, 339, [1] errata; vi, 384, title pages in red and black, as often with this book, some of the gatherings were printed on cheaper paper and are consequently browned (Vol I, F & N, Vol. 2, N), in contemporary mottled calf, spines gilt in compartments, brown and black morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers, red edges.
Hartig p. 57; not in Gove; Lewis, Utopian Literature in the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, p. 195; see Versins p. 540.
More details Price: £2,500.00 -
Leçons de Logique.
Par M. le Professeur de Felice. Première [Seconde] Partie.
Yverdon, 1770.
First Edition. Two volumes, 8vo (173 x 105 mm), pp. [ii], 370; [ii], [3]-282, [1], some light browning in text, in contemporary blue boards, surface a little rubbed, paper manuscript labels on spines.
Catalogue de l’Imprimerie de F.-B. de Félice, no. 65 (in Perret, Les Imprimeries d’Yverdon aux XVII et XVIIIe siècle, p. 404).
Outside Continental Europe, OCLC lists only Ushaw College and Columbia.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Les A Propos de Societé ou Chansons de M. L****. Tome I [-II]. Paris, 1776.
First Editions. Three volumes, 8vo, (180 x 105 mm), engraved frontispiece and engraved title-page to each volume and pp. [iii]-x, 302; 316; [iii]-vi, 319, [1] errata, each volume with additional engraved head- and tail-piece, all by Moreau, engraved by Launay, Simonett, Duclos and Martini, additional vignettes throughout the text, in contemporary green morocco, triple gilt fillet to covers, spines gilt in compartments, two red morocco labels on each spine, lettered and numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, with the ex libris of Henri Bonnasse and an unidentified one with the monogram ‘CC’ (?) on the front pastedown and the bookplate of the Goncourt brothers, designed by Gavarni and engraved by Jules de Goncourt, on the front endpaper of the first volume, with the inscription in red ink, ‘Une des plus delicates illustrations de Moreau, de Goncourt’, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Cioranescu 37506 and 37505; Cohen-de Ricci 604.
Bibliothèque des Goncourt, 391: ‘Bel exemplaire. Les illustrations par Moreau de ces deux ouvrages sont très remarquables’.
More details Price: £5,000.00