Fragmens de lettres originales;
de Madame Charlotte-Elizabeth de Bavière, Veuve de Monsieur, Frère unique de Louis XIV, Ecrites à S.A.S. Monseigneur le Duc Antoine-Ulric de B** W****, & à S.A.R. Madame la Princesse de Galles, Caroline, née Princesse d’Anspach. De 1715 à 1720. Tome Premier [-Second].
Hamburg [ie Paris?], Maradan, 1788.
First Edition in French. Two volumes 12mo (181 x 105 mm), pp. [xvi] 262, [ii], 299 [i] blank, [3] advertisements, half title and final page of the second volume used as pastedowns, uncut throughout, in the original royal blue wrappers, paper labels at head of spines, lettered in ink in a contemporary hand, blue shelfmark labels at foot of spine (possibly later), covers a bit creased and some pages dog-eared, with manuscript booklet (4to 225 x 185 mm, pp [6], [2] blank) loosely enclosed.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Galerie de l'ancienne Cour
ou Mémoires Anecdotes pour servir à l’histoire des regnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. Tome Premier [-Troisième].
First Edition. Three volumes, pp. xxiv, 379; iv, 476; iv, 456, 461-496, marginal tear to I D3, repaired, and to I G12, with no loss, in contemporary half speckled calf over brown textured boards, brown morocco labels on spines lettered and numbered in gilt.
Tchemerzine V, p. 657; Formel, Bibliographie des Mémoires de Saint-Simon, p. 50; see Gay II, 381; not in Cioranescu.
OCLC lists Koninklijke, NYU and Montreal.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Geografia de Fanciulli
ovvero metodo breve di geografia. Accomodato alla capacità de’ Giovenetti. Diviso in Lezioni, con la Lista delle Carte necessarie per istudiarla. Dal Sig. AB. Lenglet Dufresnoe Nona Edizione Tradotta dal Francese, nuovamente ricorretta, ed accresciunta de’ nomi de’ Sovrani, di loro elezione, dei cangiamenti di Dominio successi in Europa fino al 1783, che non erano nelle precedenti, e che facilitano lo studio, e l’uso di questa Scienza. Aggiuntovi un breve Compendio della Sfera.
Florence, stamperia Bonducciana, 1783.
8vo (178 x 125 mm), engraved frontispiece, unsigned, and pp. [ii], 164, scattered stains and foxing in the text, uncut throughout, in the original carta rustica, covers a little dusty with small ink stains, spine lettered by hand in ink.
See Cioranescu 39211; no copies of this edition listed in OCLC.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Gli ornamenti delle donne,
scritti per M. Giovanni Marinello et diuisi in Quattro libri, con due Tauole, vna de'Capitoli, e l'altra d'alcune cose particolari. Opere utike, & necessaria ad ogni gentile persona. Con privilegio.
Venice, Giovanni Valgrisio, 1574.
Second Edition 8vo (142 x 90 mm), ff. [viii], 376, [70], woodcut printer’s device on title-page, floriated woodcut initials throughout, typographical ornaments to sections, paper lightly browned throughout, title-page dust-stained and spotted, dampstaining on the first few leaves of the text proper, lacking the final blank, in eighteenth century half calf over speckled boards, spine with raised bands ruled in gilt with central sunburst, red morocco label lettered in gilt, head and foot of spine chipped, front joint weak with section of calf missing at the foot, corners bumped, lacking the front free endpaper, with the later art deco bookplate of Gino Sabattini, early ownership inscription (’Ex Libris An Bra’?) in the blank sections across the printer’s device on the title-page, three lines of bibliographical notes on the rear pastedown, all edges red.
Gay III, 598; Adams M590; Kelso, R., Doctrine for the lady of the Renaissance, no. 547; Erdmann, Axel, My Gracious Silence, no. 15 (note).
More details Price: £2,800.00 -
Guide to the Chalybeate Spring of Thetford,
exhibiting the general and primary effects of the Thetford spa... with Observations on Bathing, and a Sketch of the History and Present State of Thetford. By Fredrick Accum, Operative Chemist... With Copper Plates.
London, T. Boys, 1819.
First Edition. 12mo (186 x 110 mm), hand-coloured aquatint frontispiece, folding, and pp. [xiv], 159, [1], with a second folding aquatint plate, uncoloured, uncut throughout, edges dusty, frontispiece detached, in the original pink boards, front joint cracked, extremities bumped, plain unlettered spine with some surface abrasion, the front board lettered in white within a decorative stencilled floral border, the lower cover also stencilled with white floral border and central urn design, with the later heraldic bookplate of Henry S. Marsham and the inscription ‘Henry S. Marsham, from James Lee Warner, Aug. 1905’.
OCLC lists BL, Wellcome, Birmingham, NYPL, UC Davis, Yale, American Philosophical Society, National Library of Medicine, Penn and Wisconsin.
Abbey, Scenery in Great Britain, 327; Neville I, p. 7 (’beautiful folding aquatint engraved frontispiece‘).
More details Price: £2,600.00 -
Henriette de Gerstenfeld,
ou Lettres écrites pendant la dernière guerre de 1779, pour la Succession de la Baviere, &c. En 3 vol. 8°. ornés de figures en taille-douces. Tome Premier [-Troisième].
Geneva, Nouffer de Rodon, 1782.
First Edition in French. Three parts in one volume, 12mo, (163 x 95mm), pp. [ii], iv, 174; [ii], 232; [ii], 152, eight engraved plates in the text, considerable browning in the first and last sections, some insignificant tears to text, wanting the front free endpaper, in contemporary calf backed boards, rubbed but sound, spine ruled in gilt with orange label lettered in gilt.
OCLC listst BN, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, St. Gallen and Chicago only.
MMF 82.15; see also Garside, Raven and Schöwerling 1786:17.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Heraclitus Ridens:
or, a Discourse between Jest and Earnest; where many a True Word is pleasantly spoken, in Opposition to all Libellers against the Government. Vol I. [-II].
London, Benjamin Tooke, 1713.
First Collected Edition. Two volumes, 12mo, pp. [ix], [i], extra title page and blank leaf inserted in preface, 264; [ii], 252, [15] index, in contemporary calf, rubbed, spines cracking, heads chipped, wanting labels, numbered in gilt on spines.
ESTC t111102.
More details Price: £250.00 -
Hints to Planters;
Collected from various authors of esteemed authority, and from actual observation.
Manchester, R. & W. Dean, 1807.
First Edition. 8v.o (185 x 110mm), pp. [vi], [7]-63, [1], with errata slip, in the original publisher’s red quarter morocco over marbled boards, covers and spine worn, extremities bumped, spine ruled and lettered in gilt, faded, with the contemporary ownership inscription of Tho. Moore.
OCLC lists BL, Cardiff, Manchester, Delaware, Cornell, Harvard, UC Berkeley and Chicago Botanic Garden.
More details Price: £650.00 -
His Majesties most Gracious and General Pardon.
London, Charles Bill, Henry Hills & Thomas Newcomb, 1688.
Broadside, folio, (460 x 315 mm), caption title below arms, elaborate decorated initial, proclamation signed ‘Clerk’, printed on one side only, in one column, folded, clean tear through the text just beyond the central fold, with no loss, left margin cut close to text below the fold (measuring 340 mm above the fold), otherwise uncut, slightly creased at folds and edges.
ESTC r216451, at BL (3), Trinity Cambridge, Guildhall, NLS, Oxford (3), Folger, Harvard and Clark.
Wing J213; Steele I, 3875.
More details Price: £400.00 -
His Majesties Reasons
for With-drawing Himself from Rochester. Writ with His own Hand, and Ordered by Him to be Published.
Rochester, 1688.
First Edition. Folio broadside, (350 x 200 mm), drop-head title printed in five lines, printed in Roman letter, the first two words of title printed in black letter, text printed on one side only, some browning, old stain in the centre, with a small piece of the lower section of the margin cut away.
Wing J376.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Histoire de la Décadence et de la Chute
de l’Empire Romain; Traduit de l’Anglois de M. Gibbon, par M. Leclerc de Septchênes, Secretaire du Cabinet du Roi. Tome Premier [-Quatrième].
Paris, Debure & Moutard, 1786.
Third Edition. Four volumes, 12mo (164 x 94 mm), pp. xx, 328; [iv], 412; [iv], 410; [iv], 368, text browned in part, with the half-titles, in contemporary Austrian quarter calf over speckled boards, distinctive non-sectional gilding on the covers, yellow morocco labels lettered in gilt, bright blue geometric patterned endpapers, bright red edges, from the Starhemberg library at Schloss Eferding, with the library stamp and usual crayon shelf mark on the half-titles.
OCLC lists San Bernadino, Bamberg, Kassel, Gotha, Dresden and Pisa.
See Cioranescu 38375; Norton 80.
More details Price: £750.00 -
Histoire de M. le Marquis de Cressy,
Traduite de l’Anglois par Madame de ***.
Amsterdam, 1758.
First Edition. 12mo in eights and fours, (162 x 92mm), pp. [ii], 176, 3 errata, text a little browned and creased in part, in contemporary mottled calf, slightly rubbed, head and tail of spine slightly chipped, marbled endpapers, red edges, with the contemporary ownership inscription of Ernest d’Aumont.
OCLC lists BN, BL, Göttingen, London Library, British Columbia, UCLA, Yale and Williams College.
MMF 58:17; Cioranescu 53041.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Histoire des Sevarambes,
Peuples qui habitent une Partie du troisiéme Continent, communément apellé La Terre Australe. Contenant une Relation du Gouvernement, des Mœurs, de la Religion, & du Langage de cette Nation, inconnuë jusqu’à present aux Peuples de l’Europe. Tome Premier [-Second]. Nouvelle Edition, corrigée & augmentée.
Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1715.
New Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Two volumes in one, 12mo, (156 x 84mm), pp. xviii, 273; [ii], 247, title page to the first volume laid down, early tears and weakness still visible, outer edges of I, xviii and II, 21 & 23 reinforced, in contemporary green morocco, spine faded, gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers and edges.
OCLC lists Glasgow, three copies in Paris and UCLA, Delaware, Michigan and Ohio State.
See Hartig pp. 34 -35 (not listing this edition).
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Histoire Detaillée
Des Isles De Jersey Et Guernsey, Traduite De L'Anglois Par Mr. Le Rouge, Ingénieur Géographe du Roi & de S.A.S. M. le Comte de Clermont.
Paris, la Veuve Delaguette & Duchesne, 1757.
First Edition in French. 12mo (158 x 90 mm), pp. [ii], iv, [ii], 181, [3], including one whole page woodcut diagram and two part page woodcuts in text, two large folding maps (330 x 225 mm and 315 x 425 mm), two small wormholes at the head of the first three leaves, in contemporary mottled sheepskin, corners and headcaps chipped, smooth spine divided into six panels with gilt compartments, lettered in the second on a tan label, the others tooled with a flower, stars and sprigs, edges of the boards tooled with a gilt roll, plain endleaves, red edges, preserved in a recent quarter red goatskin box, spine lettered in gilt.
OCLC lists four copies in continental Europe and Cambridge, Leeds, Dartmouth (UK), Bodleian, Harvard and Goucher.
More details Price: £1,400.00 -
Historiae Augustae scriptores sex:
Aelius Spartianus, Iulius Capitolinus, Aelius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio, & Flavius Vopiscus. Ad postremas Cl. V. Is. Casaub. I Gruteri, Cl Salmas I editiones excusi.
Leiden, Iacob Marcus, 1621
12mo (123 x 65mm), pp. [8], 3-450, A1 (pp.1-2) cancelled as usual, woodcut title vignette, very light water stain to lower outer corner, outer edge trimmed, minor toning, bound in contemporary polished calf, triple blind ruled, a little wear to extremities, early casemarks inked to front pastedown and title, ownership inscription of M. Hapylton and purchase note dated 1733 on front endpaper, printer’s waste used for rear endpaper, early bibliographical notes on rear pastedown.
OCLC lists Bodleian, Amsterdam, Chicago, Illinois, Chapel Hill and Concordia University.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Homeri Odyssea,
Cum interpretatione Lat. ad verbum, post alias omnes editiones repurgata plurimis erroribus, (& quidem crassis alicubi) partim ab Henr. Stephano, partim ab alijs ; adjecti sunt etiam Homerici Centones qui Graecè [Homerokentra] : item, Proverbialium Homeri versuum libellus. Editio Postrema diligenter recognita per I.T.P.
Amsterdam, Henrici Laurentii, 1648
First edition. 8vo (145 x 125mm), pp. 803, [i], 67, [xli], with woodcut printer’s device to title, woodcut initials and ornaments, facing Greek and Latin text, slight toning, the odd ink mark, bound in contemporary vellum, yapp edges, spine a bit scratched, illegible autograph to upper board, ex-libris Joannes Cleardus(?) dated 1640 to title, light inscription ‘J. King’ to front free endpaper.
OCLC lists Illinois, Chicago and Linkoping.
Not in Brunet, Moss or Dibdin.
More details Price: £400.00 -
I tre giuli
o sieno sonetti di Niceste Abideno P.A. sopra l’importunita d’un creditor di tre giulj, Dedicati a Sua Eccellenza la Signora D. Cecilia Mahony Giustiniani Principessa di Bassano, e Duchessa di Corbara.
Rome, Bernabo & Lazzarini, 1762.
First Edition. 4to (200 x 130 mm), pp. xviii, 200, wanting the last blank, some light browning and the occasional stain but text generally nice and clean, in contemporary Italian vellum, with the later ownership inscription of Edward H. Bunbury, Pisa Rome (crossed out), December 1833.
OCLC lists BL, Bodleian and Chicago only.
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
Ideas for Rustic Furniture;
proper for Garden Seats, Summer Houses, Hermitages, Cottages, &c. on 25 plates.
London, I. & J. Taylor, the Architectural Library, circa 1800.
First Edition. 8vo, (235 x 145 mm), 25 engraved plates including the title, some staining, particularly to the title-page, in slightly later marbled wrappers, sprung and detached, possibly the result of an early and not very successful restoration project, consequently several of the plates are loose.
ESTC t146494, at BL, RIBA, The National Trust, V & A and Massachusetts Institute of Technology only; the Met also has a copy.
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Idylles et Poëmes Champêtres
de M. Gessner, Traduits de l'Allemand par M. Huber, Traducteur de la Mort d'Abel.
Lyon, Bruyset, 1762.
First Edition. 8vo, (162 x 98 mm), engraved frontispiece by Watelet after Lavallée-Poussin and pp. xlvi, [ii], 154, [4], numerous engraved vignettes throughout the text, including twelve engraved head- and tail-pieces by Watelet (including one by Marguerite Lecomte) after Lavallée-Poussin and Pierre, in contemporary mottled calf, triple gilt fillet to covers, flat spine gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, red edges, green silk marker, corners very slightly bumped, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Cioranescu 34238; Cohen-de Ricci p. 431.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Il finto Cavaliere
o siano le Memorie di Madamigella di Mainville Scritte dal Marchese d’Argens, e per la prima volta Tradotte dal Francese.
Venice, Locatelli, 1767.
First Edition in Italian. 8vo, engraved frontispiece and pp. [iii]-xvi, CXCVII, [8] advertisements, occasional light browning in text, uncut throughout in contemporary white paste-paper boards, spine lettered in ink, remains of library shelf label at foot of spine, early ownership inscription crossed out on front paste down and some faded manuscript notes.
See Cioranescu 8306; not in OCLC.
More details Price: £400.00