Der unglückliche Dauphin von Frankreich.
Ein dramatisches Gemählde von Louis.
Hamburg, Friedrich Hermann Nestler, 1804.
First Edition. 8vo (158 x 92 mm), engraved frontispiece and pp. [iv], 140, text fairly heavily browned throughout, frontispiece dampstained, ink-stamped initial ‘W’ to title, tiny hole to p. 133, through text but minimal loss, in contemporary brown marbled boards, red paper label on spine lettered in gilt, boards a little rubbed with wear to extremities, edges red.
OCLC lists three copies in German libraries only.
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
Des Principes des Négociations,
pour servir d’Introduction au droit public de l’Europe, fondé sur les traités. Par M. l’Abbé de Mably.
‘A La Haye’, ie Paris, 1757.
First Edition. 12mo, (163 x 92 mm) pp. viii, 278, initial blank removed, in contemporary mottled calf, extremities a little worn, spine gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Cioranescu 41170; Tchemerzine VII, 265.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Discours en forme de comparaison sur les vies de Moyse & d'Homere,
où sont incidemment faits quelques essais sur diverses matieres.
Paris, Jean Gesselin, 1604.
First Edition. 12mo (135 x 75 mm), pp. [ii], 329, [1], wanting the preface, some dampstaining in text, some corners folded, occasional staining, in contemporary vellum with a rather clumsy, but early (18th century?) and charming, sheep spine, lettered and tooled in gilt, the front gutter cracked and front free endpaper missing, the front pastedown loose, revealing use of printer’s waste in the binding: altogether an indestructible but very charming look.
OCLC lists BN and Bibliothèques Mazarine (catalogue gives 330p.), and Saint-Geneviève, Lyon (without the preface), BL (without the preface), Trinity College, Cambridge and Princeton (catalogue gives 329p.).
Cioranescu 55884.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Discours sur l'État Actuel de la Politique
et de la Science Militaire, en Europe. Avec le plan d’un ouvrage intitulé: La France politique & militaire.
Geneva, 1773.
12mo, (167 x 92 mm), pp. x, 179, in contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers and edges, pink silk marker, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Quérard, La France Littéraire, III, p. 518; Cioranescu 33011 (Geneva 1773, pp. vii, 163).
More details Price: £500.00 -
Discours sur la liberté de penser,
par Mr. A. Collins. Traduit de l’Anglois & augmenté d’une Lettre d’un Médecin Arabe; avec l’Examen de ces deux Ouvrages par Mr. de Crouzas. Nouvelle Edition, corrigée. Tome Premier [-Second].
Londres, 1766.
Second Edition; First Collected. Two volumes in one, 8vo, (155 x 90 mm), pp. xii, 256,157-168 (ie 268); viii, 211, B4 and B5 partly loose at the gutter, in contemporary calf, triple gilt filet on the covers, brown morocco labels on the spine lettered and numbered in gilt, flat spine gilt in herringbone pattern, marbled endpapers, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
See Cioranescu 57557 & 21911; Quérard II, 253.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Dissertation sur l’Education physique des enfants;
depuis leur naissance jusqu’à l’age de puberté. Ouvrage qui a remporté le prix le 21 mai 1762, à la Société hollandoise des sciences. Par M. Ballexserd, Citoyen de Geneve.
Paris, Vallat-la-Chapelle, 1762.
Second Edition. 12mo (175 x 110 mm), pp. [xvi], 189, [1], title-page copperplate vignette of Juno, in contemporary pale blue wrappers, wanting most of the spine with remnant of white paper title (or reinforcement) strip, front wrapper partly detached, extremities a little rubbed, but a nice unsophisticated copy, uncut throughout.
See Blake p. 29 (1762, pp. 238); Grulee 579 (1762, pp. 238) and 580 (1780); Forum, 4673; not in Cioranescu.
More details Price: £750.00 -
Dissertationes duae criticae-historicae.
Una de vigintiquinque annis Romanae Petri Cathedrae adversus utrumque pagium. Altera de actis SS. Martyrum Cosmae, et Damiani necnon de monumentis Basilicae ipsis in urbe erectae.
Rome, Salomoni, 1750.
First edition. 4to (233 x 170 mm), pp. [xxiii], [3], 90, with two folding engraved plates representing interiors of Roman churches, woodcut initials and ornaments, first two leaves minimally toned, occasional very minor marginal spotting, bound in contemporary, probably Roman, crushed crimson morocco, bordered with gilt double fillet and gilt roll of palmettes to inner border, large cornerpieces with feather tools, acorns and fleurons, large centrepiece with the arms of the Altieri family, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, marbled edges, joints minimally worn at head and foot, pink pastedowns.
OCLC lists half a dozen copies in Continental Europe only.
More details Price: £2,500.00 -
Emilie de Varmont, ou le Divorce Nécessaire, et les Amours du Curé de Sévin, par l'Auteur de Faublas. Tome Premier [-Troisième]. Paris, Bailly, 1791.
First Edition. Three volumes in one, 12mo in sixes, (124 x 75mm), engraved frontispiece by Lorieux after Chaillou to each volume and pp. [iv], [5]-160; [iv], [5]-174; [iv], 191, [1], occasional light dampstaining, in contemporary quarter green calf over marbled boards with vellum tips, flat spine ruled and decorated in gilt, lettered in gilt, with the contemporary heraldic bookplate of E.W. Wynne Pendarves.
Cioranescu 40897; MMF 91.34; Oberlé 142; Cohen-de Ricci p. 661 (1794 edition).
More details Price: £850.00 -
Entick’s New Spelling Dictionary,
teaching to Write and Pronounce the English Tongue with Ease and Propriety: In which each Word is accented according to its just and natural Pronunciation; the part of Speech is properly distinguished, and the various Significations are ranged in one line; With a list of Proper Names of Men and Women. The whole Compiled and digested in a Manner entirely new, to make it a Complete Pocket Companion for those who read Milton, Pope, Addison, Shakespeare, Tillotson, and Locke, or other English authors of Repute in Prose or Verse: and in Particular to assist young People, Artificers, Tradesmen and Foreigners, desirous of understanding what they speak, read and write. To which is prefixed, A Grammatical Introduction to the English Tongue. A new edition. Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged throughout. To which is now added, A Catalogue of words of similar Sounds, but of different Spellings and Significations. By William Crakelt, M.A. Rector of Nursted and Ifield in Kent.
London, Charles Dilly, 1787.
New Edition. 12mo (120 x 120 mm), pp [xxxvi], 492, much used, with consequent creasing and dog-eared edges, S4 cut close with loss of page number, sewn in the original boards, heavily worn and binding sprung, with some gatherings loose, wanting the leather cover, spine no longer present but for a few scraps of leather, three of four cords holding.
ESTC t147159 lists copies at BL, Manchester, Indiana State University, Séminaire de Nicolet and Yale.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Essai de Philosophie Morale.
Par M. de Maupertuis.
First Authorised Edition. 12mo, (157 x 92 mm), pp. [ii], xxx, 125, [2], in contemporary dark mottled calf, extremities a little bumped and some surface wear to the covers, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers and edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Cioranescu 43865.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Essai historique et philosophique sur le Goût.
Par M. Cartaud de la Vilate.
Londres, 1751.
12mo, (162 x 90mm), pp. [viii], 327, with the half-title, in contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments with sun-burst tooling, yellow morocco label lettered in gilt, a few small surface abrasions, red edges, marbled endpapers.
ESTC t101745, at BL, Cambridge, Taylorian; Getty, NYPL, Illinois, Toronto and Yale. OCLC adds Cincinnati.
See Cioranescu 15737.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Essai sur la différence du nombre des hommes
dans les tems anciens et modernes, dans lequel on établit qu'il étoit plus considérable dans l'antiquité. Traduit de l'Anglois de M.R. Wallace, Chape;ain de S.M.B. & Membre de la Société Philosophique d’Edimbourg. Par M. de Joncourt, Professeur de langues etrangeres à Paris.
‘Londres’, ie Paris, 1754.
First Edition in French. Small 8vo, pp. [ii], ii, ii, 292, several tables in text, in contemporary polished calf, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, edges red, marbled endpapers: a very good, crisp copy.
ESTC n7385; Cioranescu 34599; Chuo University, David Hume and the eighteenth century British thought, 222.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Essai sur le Caractère, les Mœurs et l’Esprit des Femmes
dans les différens siecles, par M. Thomas, de l’Académie Françoise.
Paris, Moutard, 1772.
First Edition. Four works in one volume, 8vo (188 x 115 mm), engraved frontispiece by Cochin and pp. [iv], 210, [2]; Boufflers: pp. 26; Voltaire: pp. 12; Voltaire: pp. 11, [1], in contemporary plain calf, triple gilt filet to covers, flat spine gilt in compartments, morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled blue endpapers and matching blue marbled edges, with the contemporary heraldic bookplate and printed booklabel of M. Ch. Millon de Montherlant.
Cioranescu, 61765; Gay: II: 167.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Estelle, Roman Pastoral. Par M. de Florian, Capitaine de Dragons, et Gentilhomme de S.A.S. Monseigneur le Duc de Penthièvre, des Académies de Madrid, de Florence, de Lyon, de Nismes, d'Angers, &c... Paris, l’Imprimerie de Monsieur, Debure, 1788.
Third Edition; Same Year and Imprint as First Edition. 8vo, (119 x 115mm), pp. [ii], 235, [1], library stamp on the title page but otherwise an excellent copy, sumputously bound in contemporary or slightly later red morocco, floral border within rules to both covers, flat spine simply gilt in compartments with black morocco label lettered in gilt, silk endpapers, gilt dentelles, binding probably contemporary with the presentation inscription on the front free endpaper 'à Père Charvin ainé, de Lyon... 1815'.
Cioranescu 28777; MMF 88.53.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Eugene de Rothelin,
par l’auteur d’Adele de Senange. Tome Premier [-Second.]
Paris, Nicolle, 1808.
First Edition. Two volumes, 12mo (155 x 88 mm), pp. [iv], 182; [iv], 161, [1], in contemporary pale half calf over yellow boards, flat spine gilt in compartments, letterd in gilt, with small circular brown morocco numbering piece, pink endpapers.
Cioranescu 60573; Barbier II, p. 322.
More details Price: £350.00 -
or, Amusements on the Road of Life. By the author of The Spiritual Quixote.
London, Dodsley, 1776 -1780.
First Editions. Two volumes, 8vo, (178 x 112mm), engraved frontispiece to each volume (v. I Collyer after C.W.B.; v. II C. Grignion after W. Hoare) and pp. [iv], viii, [viii], 308; xvii, [i], [x], 211, two further engraved vignettes in the text to volume one by Collyer, engraved tail-pieces on the last page of both volumes (v. I by ‘J.W.’; v. II by C. Grignion), small tear on the last leaf of volume two, without loss and not touching text, final leaves rather browned, in contemporary calf, spines gilt in compartments with red morocco labels lettered in gilt, and second red labels numbered in gilt, with a later Crichton Stuart heraldic bookplate.
ESTC t146430; t126154.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Exempla Christianae Fortitudinis;
e sinceris SS. martyrum actis collecta, et continuata ab alma congregatione
majori Benedictino-Salisburgensi. sodalibis in strenam data. Salzburg, Johann Joseph Mayr, 1768.Small 8vo (148 x 85 mm), pp. [xiv], [xxiv], 179, [1], [27], with 12 part-page engravings in the text and several head-and tail-pieces, in contemporary red gilt floral wrappers, spine faded and dusty, edges gilt.
OCLC lists only the Amberg copy which is incomplete; KVK locates a single copy at Freising.
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
Fables Moralisées en Quatrains.
Par M. Delacour Damonville.
Paris, la veuve Quillau, 1753.
First Edition. 12mo (166 x 100 mm), pp. 110, [2], fables printed in double rule border throughout with plentiful typographical decoration throughout, in contemporary calf, joints restored (or possibly rebacked preserving the original spine?), spine attractively gilt in compartments, dark morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, early manuscript ownership label, dated 1754?, largely chipped away and illegible, speckled edges.
Cioranescu 22412; Conlon, Siècle des lumières, 53:595.
OCLC lists BN, Texas, Princeton and Toronto.
More details Price: £850.00 -
Fabulous Histories.
Designed for the Instruction of Children, respecting their Treatment of Animals. By Mrs Trimmer. Second Edition.
London, Longman, Robinson & Joseph Johnson, 1786.
Second Edition. 12mo (162 x 98 mm), pp. xi, [i], 203, [1] advertisements, the preliminary leaves bound at a slight angle but with all present and with sufficiently wide margin not to lose blank space, some light browning, in contemporary mottled (almost tree) calf, gilt roll-tool border to covers, flat spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt.
ESTC t118616, listing BL, Liverpool, NT, Free Library of Philadelphia, UCLA, Florida and Illinois.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Fifty Lyrical Ballads.
By Thomas Haynes Bayly.
Bath, Mary Mayler, 1829.
First Edition. 4to, (238 x 190 mm), pp. [iv], 80, entirely untrimmed, in the original drab boards, worn at extremities with spine delicate, most of the printed paper label still present, foxing to endleaves but the text generally very clean, inscribed on the title-page ‘Mrs D... (?) From the Author’.
More details Price: £350.00