Theatre or Opera Costume Designs.
Vienna, circa 1860.
31 watercolour drawings over pencil sketches, each approximately 160 x 100 mm, 27 mounted on card, 4 not mounted, the 27 mounted cards all stamped with the Fritzmann’s name and address in blue and with a later red stamp, the loose cards simply stamped by Fritzmann, the mounted paintings (and two of the loose watercolours) all bear manuscript titles or character names, two of the loose pictures are entirely unmarked, light but uniform toning, preserved in a custom-made slipcase.
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Thoughts on Civil Liberty,
on Licentiousness, and Faction. By the Author of Essays on the Characteristics, &c.
Newcastle, White, 1765.
[bound after:] ibid -
The History of the Rise and Progress of Poetry, through its several Species. Written by Dr. Brown. Newcastle: Printed by T. White and T. Saint, for L. Davis and C. Reymers, against Gray’s-Inn-Gate, Holborn, London. 1764. First Edition; Second Edition. Two works in one volume, 8vo, (203 x 115mm), pp. History: vii, [i], [9]-266, [2] advertisements; Thoughts: 167, [1], in contemporary speckled calf, foot of spine chipped, some light surface wear to spine and extremities, red morocco label lettered in gilt.Thoughts: ESTC t789.
History: ESTC t101765.More details Price: £950.00 -
Traité du Beau.
[with: De la Philosophie des Chinois.]
Amsterdam, ie Paris, 1772.
12mo (164 x 90 mm), pp. [ii], 3-118, [2], 121-180, corner torn from final page and restored, not touching text, occasional browning in text, in modern green vellum with new endpapers, spine lettered in gilt, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot, A1 (3).
More details Price: £250.00 -
Versi sciolti e rimati
di Dorillo Dafneio.
Parma, Stamperia Reale, 1773.
First edition. 8vo (208 x 135 mm), pp. [ii], [viii], 137, [1], lacking the final blank as usual, including engraved title with carved marble stone surrounded by garlands and an urn, small engraved head- and tailpieces, lower edges uncut, light ink marks to H7-8 and G5-6, occasional very slight marginal spotting, K1 unobtrusively strengthened at gutter, bound in contemporary block-stamped plain paper boards with olive-green zig-zag pattern, stitched as issued, a bit faded (old water stain) towards foot of spine, extremities a little worn.
Worldcat lists BL, Northwestern, Case Western, SMU, UCLA and St Catherine.
Brooks 40; Cicognara 1343. Not in De Lama.
More details Price: £850.00 -
Vita Costumi e Scritti
del Conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli, Patrizio Bresciano.
Brescia, Bossini, 1766.
First Edition. 8vo, engraved portrait frontispiece and pp. [iv], 5-120, title-page vignette, in contemporary vellum, a little bit dusty and stained but sound and internally a clean and crisp copy, red morocco label lettered in gilt, with the contemporary inscription ‘1767 di Faustino Gussago’, all edges marbled.
OCLC and RLIN list copies at Oxford, Göttingen, Stanford, Berkeley, Newberry, Illinois, Harvard and Duke.
More details Price: £700.00 -
Voyage de Milady Craven
à Constantinople, par la Crimée, en 1786. Traduit de l’Anglois, par. M. D***.
Second Edition in French?; First Edition. [with:] FRIESEMAN, Hendrik. Description historique et geographique de l’Archipel, rédigé d’après de nouvelles Observations, & particulièrement utile aux Négocians & aux Navigateurs. Newied sur le Rhin, Chez la Société Typographique. 1789. Two works in one volume, 8vo (190 x 115 mm), pp. [iv], 281; [vi], 143, [1], in contemporary quarter calf over red mottled boards, spine ruled and lettered gilt gilt, worn at extremities.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Voyage en Grèce et en Turquie,
Fait Par Ordre De Louis XVI et avec l’Autorisation de la Cour Ottomane; par C.S. Sonnini, de plusieurs Societies Litteraires et Savantes de l’Europe, et des Sociétés d’Agriculture de Paris et des Observateurs de l’Homme. Avec un volume grand in-4o contenant une très-belle Carte coloriés et des Planches gravées en taille-douce.
Paris, Buisson, 1801.
First Edition, text volumes only. Text volumes only, in two volumes, 8vo (205 x 130 mm), I: pp. [iv], 460, [iv]; II: pp. [iv], 460, [4], lower outer blank corner of II, D3 torn, a little light foxing in both volumes, in contemporary half red morocco over marbled boards, flat spines ruled and lettered in gilt, extremities a little worn, foot of second volume spine chipped but otherwise a good copy.
Quérard IX, La France Littéraire, p. 212; Graesse V, p. 439; Brunet V, 445.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Voyages de Gulliver.
Tome Premier [-Second].
Paris, Guérin, 1727.
First French Edition, First Issue. Two volumes in one, 12mo in eights and fours, pp. [vi], [vii]-xli, [v], 123, [1]; [125]-248; [vii], [i], 119, [1]; [121]-289, [3], with four engraved plates, unsigned, one to each part, in contemporary calf, sympathetically rebacked, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, red edges, marbled endpapers, with the later bookplates of Henri Beraldi and La Goualante.
OCLC lists twenty copies, but only Getty, DLC, Delware, Illinois, Harvard, Princeton and Morgan in America.
Cohen-de Ricci 210; not in Cioranescu; Teerink-Scouten 383.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Winter Evenings:
Or, Lucubrations on Life and Letters. In Three Volumes. Vol. I [-III].
London, Charles Dilly, 1788.
First Edition. Three Volumes, 12mo (182 x 110 mm), pp. [xii], [iv], 311, [1]; [viii], 312; [viii], 311, [1], each volume with the half title and two leaves of contents, some light foxing throughout, in contemporary tree calf, single gilt filet to covers, spines with raised bands, gilt in compartments, red morocco labels lettered in gilt, black morocco labels lettered in gilt, Vols. I and II with new and uncomfortably shiny black labels, with a contemporary armorial bookplate in each volume.
ESTC t92823.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Zadig, ou la Destinée, Histoire Orientale par Mr. de Voltaire. Londres, G. Sidney for Polidori, 1799.
First Polidori Edition. 24mo, (123 x 70 mm), engraved frontispiece portrait and pp. [iii], 4-204, with thirteen further engraved plates, bound without the terminal colophon leaf, the plates with small impression within wide borders, slightly foxed, in contemporary red morocco, single filet gilt to covers, flat spine gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, rubbed at extremities and along the edges, some light staining, marbled endpapers, with the armorial bookplate of ‘Belper’ and the inscription of John Beaumont
ESTC t178499, at BL, Cambridge, Bodleian, New York Public Library and Texas only.
Cohen-de Ricci 1038; not in BN Voltaire Catalogue.
More details Price: £300.00