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Memoirs of the Baron de Tott;
On The Turks and The Tartars. Translated From The French, By An English Gentleman At Paris, Under The Immediate Inspection Of The Baron. In three volumes. Vol. I [-III].
Dublin, L. White, J. Cash and R. Marchbank, 1785.
First Dublin Edition. Three volumes, 12mo (165 x 110 mm), pp. [xxii], [i], 250; [iv], 255; [ii], [3]-356, [14] index, with the half-title to the second volume only, in contemporary polished calf, spines with raised bands, ruled and numbered in gilt, red morocco labels lettered in gilt, slightly worn at extremities with a little surface abrasion to the boards, with the contemporary ownership inscription of Richard Chearnley on the title-page of each volume.
ESTC t131597 at BL, Cambridge, NLI, Oxford, Bristol, Cleveland, New York Historical Society and Washington University.
More details Price: £750.00 -
Briefve et sommaire description de la vie et mort de Dom Antoine,
Premier du nom, & dix-huictiesme Roy de Portugal. Avec plusieurs Lettres seruantes à l’histoire du Temps.
Paris, Gervais Alliot, 1629.
First edition. 8vo (170 x 110mm), pp. [xvi], 302, [2], engraved arms of the King of Portugal to title, woodcut initial and headpiece, slight yellowing, upper edge a bit dusty, in contemporary vellum, spine painted in black, with six compartments marked by gilt tooling where the raised bands would be, five of the compartments with central gilt monogram DG within decorative gilt cornerpieces, the sixth compartment with orange morocco label lettered in gilt, blind filet along sides of spine, gilt edges, with the later bookplate of Annibal Fernandes Thomaz and an early manuscript number, possibly shelfmark, on the rear pastedown.
OCLC lists BL, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Catholic University of America and Kansas.
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
A Journey through the Crimea to Constantinople. In a Series of Letters from the Right Honourable Elizabeth Lady Craven, to his Serene Highness the Margrave of Brandebourg, Anspach, and Bareith. Written in the Year MDCCLXXXVI. London, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1789.
First Edition. 4to (270 x 200 mm), pp. [viii], 327, [1], with the half-title, large folding engraved map as frontispiece and six further engraved plates, title-page and dedication leaf fairly heavily browned, text otherwise clean and plates fresh, in contemporary calf-backed marbled boards, front board detached, a little worn and dusty, spine worn with head and tail-cap chipped, red morocco label lettered in gilt, with a contemporary heraldic bookplate.
ESTC t134670; Cox I pp. 197-198; see Wayward Women, pp. 87-88.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Voyage de Milady Craven
à Constantinople, par la Crimée, en 1786. Traduit de l’Anglois, par. M. D***.
Second Edition in French?; First Edition. [with:] FRIESEMAN, Hendrik. Description historique et geographique de l’Archipel, rédigé d’après de nouvelles Observations, & particulièrement utile aux Négocians & aux Navigateurs. Newied sur le Rhin, Chez la Société Typographique. 1789. Two works in one volume, 8vo (190 x 115 mm), pp. [iv], 281; [vi], 143, [1], in contemporary quarter calf over red mottled boards, spine ruled and lettered gilt gilt, worn at extremities.
More details Price: £600.00 -
The Ruins: or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires. By M. Volney, one of the Deputies to the National Assembly of 1789; and Author of Travels into Syria and Egypt. Translated from the French. The Third Edition. London, Joseph Johnson, 1796.
Third Edition. 8vo (210 x 120 mm), engraved frontispiece and pp. xvi, 395, [1], [4] index, with two further folding engraved plates, with the half-title, in contemporary mottled calf, gilt border to covers, spine gilt in compartments, black morocco label lettered in gilt, with the bookplate of Edmund Skottowe.
ESTC t46925.
More details Price: £250.00 -
Letters on Greece; Being a Sequel to Letters on Egypt, and containing Travels through Rhodes, Crete, and other Islands of the Archipelago; with Comparative Remarks on their Ancient and Present State, and Observations on the Government, Character, and Manners of the Turks, and Modern Greeks. Translated from the French of M. Savary. London, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1788.
First Edition in English. 8vo (208 x 120 mm), pp. [iv], 407, [1], [8] index, with the half title, folding engraved map as frontispiece and folding engraved plan of the labyrinth, in nineteenth century quarter calf over marbled boards, calf tips, spine ruled in gilt, black morocco label lettered in gilt, with the heraldic bookplate of Snelston Hall.
ESTC t12194; see Blackmer 1493.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Revolution de l’Amerique.
Par M. l’Abbé Raynal, auteur de l’Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens, et du Commerce des Européans dans les deux Indes.
Londres, 1781.
Same year as the first edition. 8vo, pp. viii, 173, [3], D2 cut along the margin with loss, but nowhere near text, contemporary ownership inscription of ‘B.Imbert fils’ on the title page, in contemporary mottled calf, flat spine gilt in compartments with green morocco label lettered in gilt, some slight erosion to boards but generally an attractive copy.
ESTC n12895, at the BL, Cambridge, Reading, Amsterdam, American Philosophical Society, Brown, Gonzaga, Harvard, Lehigh, Princeton, San Antonio College and the Lilly Library.
See Cioranescu 52363 and 52364; Sabin 68103.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Lettres sur l’Italie en 1785.
Tome Premier [-Second].
Rome, De Senne, 1788.
First Edition. Two volumes in one, 8vo, pp. [iii]- viii, 320; [iv], 320, marginal tear on II, 167, not affecting text, repaired, in contemporary quarter calf over blue boards, spine gilt in compartments, red and green morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers.
Cioranescu 26684.
More details Price: £500.00