- Tag = History and Society
A Letter from a Gentleman in the West of England
to his Friend in London.
London, 1753.
Folio broadside, (370 x 245 mm), pp. 2, printed on both sides, with central fold largely cut through but holding at the edges, dated in manuscript on the verso ‘March ye 13th 1753’.
ESTC n54414, listing Birmingham, BL, Exeter, Columbia, Harvard and Huntington.
Kress 5369; Higgs 713.
More details Price: £200.00 -
An Oration
delivered at the Dedication of Free-Masons’ Hall, Great Queen-street, Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, on Thursday, May 23, 1776... Published by General Request, under Sanction of the Grand Lodge.
London, Robinson, 1776.
First Edition. 4to, (275 x 220mm), pp. [iv], 16, [4], uncut throughout, partly unopened, stab-sewn in the original wrappers as issued.
ESTC t105332, at BL, CUL, Bodleian, Folger, Grand Lodge of New York, Huntington, McMaster, North Carolina and Yale.
More details Price: £500.00 -
An Order of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
assembled at Westminster, in the House of Lords, December 22. 1688.
London, Awnsham and William Churchill, 1688.
Large folio broadside (452 x 345mm, with a section of 30 x 154 cut from the lower left corner of the margin: no text missing). Single block of text beneath drop-head title, with list of names before and after text, large tear through the text to the central fold, with no loss, three folds.
ESTC r213737, well held in the UK and Ireland (6 copies in London, 3 in Scotland, 4 in Oxford, 1 in Dublin) but only Harvard, Huntington, Newberry and Indiana in North America.
Wing 2836A; Steele I, 3933.
More details Price: £450.00 -
At the Court at Whitehall,
this Tenth of November, 1682... For the preventing tumultuous disorders which may happen thereafter upon pretence of assembling to make bonfires, and publick fire-works, and disappointing the evil designs of persons disaffected to the government, who commonly make use of such occasions to turn those meetings into riots and tumults.
London, Henry Hills, 1682.
Folio broadside (375 x 285), text (but not title or imprint) printed in black letter, large royal arms at the head, uncut, single fold.
ESTC r27325, listing nine copies in the UK and Harvard, Huntington, Clark, Penn and Yale.
Wing E798; Steele I, 3734; Goldsmiths 2485.
More details Price: £450.00 -
By the King. A Proclamation for apprehending certain Persons therein Named,
Accused of High Treason. Given at Our Court at Whitehall the fifteenth day of January 1678/9. In the Thirtieth year of Our Reign. God save the King.
London, John Bill, 1678/9.
Folio broadside, (345 x 280mm), drop-head title under the royal arms, decorative initial, printed mostly in black letter, central fold, a good copy, manuscript shelf mark ‘(69)’.
ESTC r35887, listing ten copies in the UK and Folger, Harvard, Huntington, Penn and Yale in North America.
Wing C3436; Steele I, 3676.
More details Price: £650.00 -
By the King. A Proclamation for Prising of Wines.
Given at our Court at Whitehall the Twelfth day of January 1677/8. In the Nine and twentieth year of Our Reign. God save the King.
London, John Bill, 1677/8.
Large folio broadside (333 x 510 mm), two sheets joined to make one, the royal arms at the top, drophead title, a little worn and crumpled around the edges, some dust-soiling, several folds.
ESTC r213158, listing nine copies in the British Isles and Folger, Harvard, Huntington and Yale in North America.
Wing C3372; Steele 3646; Goldsmiths 2244.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Essai sur la différence du nombre des hommes
dans les tems anciens et modernes, dans lequel on établit qu'il étoit plus considérable dans l'antiquité. Traduit de l'Anglois de M.R. Wallace, Chape;ain de S.M.B. & Membre de la Société Philosophique d’Edimbourg. Par M. de Joncourt, Professeur de langues etrangeres à Paris.
‘Londres’, ie Paris, 1754.
First Edition in French. Small 8vo, pp. [ii], ii, ii, 292, several tables in text, in contemporary polished calf, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, edges red, marbled endpapers: a very good, crisp copy.
ESTC n7385; Cioranescu 34599; Chuo University, David Hume and the eighteenth century British thought, 222.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Guide to the Chalybeate Spring of Thetford, exhibiting the general and primary effects of the Thetford spa... with Observations on Bathing, and a Sketch of the History and Present State of Thetford. By Fredrick Accum, Operative Chemist... With Copper Plates. London, T. Boys, 1819.
First Edition. 12mo (186 x 110 mm), hand-coloured aquatint frontispiece, folding, and pp. [xiv], 159, [1], with a second folding aquatint plate, uncoloured, uncut throughout, edges dusty, frontispiece detached, in the original pink boards, front joint cracked, extremities bumped, plain unlettered spine with some surface abrasion, the front board lettered in white within a decorative stencilled floral border, the lower cover also stencilled with white floral border and central urn design, with the later heraldic bookplate of Henry S. Marsham and the inscription ‘Henry S. Marsham, from James Lee Warner, Aug. 1905’.
OCLC lists BL, Wellcome, Birmingham, NYPL, UC Davis, Yale, American Philosophical Society, National Library of Medicine, Penn and Wisconsin.
Abbey, Scenery in Great Britain, 327; Neville I, p. 7 (’beautiful folding aquatint engraved frontispiece‘).
More details Price: £2,600.00 -
His Majesties most Gracious and General Pardon.
London, Charles Bill, Henry Hills & Thomas Newcomb, 1688.
Broadside, folio, (460 x 315 mm), caption title below arms, elaborate decorated initial, proclamation signed ‘Clerk’, printed on one side only, in one column, folded, clean tear through the text just beyond the central fold, with no loss, left margin cut close to text below the fold (measuring 340 mm above the fold), otherwise uncut, slightly creased at folds and edges.
ESTC r216451, at BL (3), Trinity Cambridge, Guildhall, NLS, Oxford (3), Folger, Harvard and Clark.
Wing J213; Steele I, 3875.
More details Price: £400.00 -
His Majesties Reasons
for With-drawing Himself from Rochester. Writ with His own Hand, and Ordered by Him to be Published.
Rochester, 1688.
First Edition. Folio broadside, (350 x 200 mm), drop-head title printed in five lines, printed in Roman letter, the first two words of title printed in black letter, text printed on one side only, some browning, old stain in the centre, with a small piece of the lower section of the margin cut away.
Wing J376.
More details Price: £450.00 -
La Monarchie des Solipses,
traduite de l’original latin de Melchior Inchofer Jesuite. Avec des remarques.
Amsterdam, 1721.
First edition i
n French. 12mo (160 x 94 mm), pp. lx, [viii], 407, [1], title-page and verso of last leaf slightly browned, in contemporary mottled calf, single with raised bands, gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, worn at extremities, lower joint repaired, bookseller’s label to front pastedown.Quérard VIII, 581
More details Price: £650.00 -
La Noblesse Commerçante.
‘Londres’ ie Paris, Duchesne, 1756.
Early Edition; Early Edition; Early Edition; First Edition. Together four works in two volumes, 12mo, (158 x 90 mm), pp. 141, ship ornament on the title-page; v, [i], 210; 40, last two gatherings of Arcq slightly dampstained running to fairly heavy dampstaining in the top corner of the Seras; volume II: pp. 152, 206, [2] advertisements, in contemporary speckled calf, some light wear to extremities and one tiny wormhole of spine, otherwise a very good copy, spines gilt in compartments with morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges red, with an unmarked contemporary armorial bookplate in each volume.
Coyer: Higgs 1205; Kress 5503.
Arcq: Higgs 1209; Goldsmiths 9138.
Seras: Higgs 1207; Kress 5568.
Coyer: Higgs 1478; Goldsmiths 9241; Kress 5597.More details Price: £800.00 -
Le Siècle de Louis XIV.
Publié par M. de Francheville conseiller aulique de sa Majesté, & membre de l’acadénie roiale des sciences & belles lettres de prusse. Tome Premier [-Second].
Berlin, Henning, 1751.
First Edition. Two volumes in one, 12mo, (144 x 85mm), pp. [xiv], 488, [1] errata; [ii], 466, [2], errata, with the half-title to the first volume, in contemporary calf, rather worn, spine gilt in compartments, foot of spine chipped, wormhole to the head of spine, wanting the front endpaper, red edges.
BN Voltaire Catalogue 3361-3363.
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Lettres à Madame la Comtesse de R....
Milan, 25th February [& 23rd March], 1796.
8vo, pp. 15, [1] blank, section title only, sewn as issued in the original blue wrappers, faded and slightly dust-soiled.
Not traced.
More details Price: £250.00 -
Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746.
By the Chevalier de Johnstone... Containing a Narrative of the Progress of the Rebellion, from its commencement to the Battle of Culloden; the Characters of the Principal Persons in it, and Anecdotes respecting them; and various important particulars relating to that contest, hitherto either unknown or imperfectly understood. With an Account of the Sufferings and Privations experienced by the Author after the Battle of Culloden, before he effected his escape to the Continent, &c. &c. Translated from a French MS. originally deposited in the Scots College at Paris, and now in the hands of the publishers. Second Edition, with additional notes, &c.
London, Longman, 1821.
Second Edition. 8vo, engraved folding map and pp. lxxii, 456, two engraved portraits, in contemporary half calf over marbled boards, slightly worn, extremities and head and foot of spine a little bumped, spine simply ruled and lettered in gilt, with the bookplate of Montgomery Burnett.
More details Price: £200.00 -
Observations on Some Papers
In that very useful Collection, intitled, Museum Rusticum, By a Gentleman. To be Continued Occasionally. With New Theoretical and Practical Pieces on Husbandry.
London, W. Sandby, 1766.
First Edition. 8vo (120 x 140mm), pp. 53, [1], uncut throughout, one small engraved diagram in the text, stitched as issued, the title page marked with an ‘S’ in a contemporary hand, with a few small ink marks and some very light browning, generally an excellent, unsophisticated copy.
ESTC t112520 at BL, Rothampstead, Senate House Library, NYPL, Harvard and Yale.
Not in Fussell.
More details Price: £650.00 -
The Angler’s Vade Mecum: Or, a Compendious, yet full, discourse of Angling: Discovering the aptest Methods and Ways, exactest Rules, properest Baits, and choicest Experiments for the catching all manner of fresh Water Fish. Together with a brief Discourse of Fish-ponds, and not only the easiest, but most Palatable ways of dressing of all sorts of Fish, Whether belonging to Rivers, or Ponds; and the Laws concerning Angling, and the Preservation of such Fish. The Third Edition, Illustrated with Sculptures: and very much Enlarged. London, William Battersby, 1700.
Third Edition, ‘Very Much Enlarged’; issue (a) with phrase ‘illustrated with sculptures’. 8vo, (157 x 94mm), pp. [viii], 326, [10], with the two engraved plates, bound facing each other after the preface, tears through text on B3 and B7, with no loss but rather fragile, the chapter on ponds (Chapter 38, pp. 243-251) marked up by an early owner, in contemporary panelled calf, plain spine, foot of spine chipped, sprinkled edges, with the later booklabel of Commander E.R. Lewes.
Wing C3791; Westwood and Satchell, Bibliotheca Piscatoria, pp. 59-60.
More details Price: £450.00 -
The Historian’s Guide.
In Two Parts. First, the Recovery of Lost Time; being a Compendious Chronology of the World, from the Creation, to this Present Age. Translated out of Italian. Second, Englands Remembrancer; Being a Summary Account of all the Actions, Exploits, Battles, Sieges, Conflicts, &c. And all Remarkable Passages in His Majesty’s Dominions.
London, Crook, 1676.
First Edition in English. Small 8vo, (141 x 85mm), pp. [vi], 7-95, ‘86’, 89-122, [5] advertisements, pagination erratic but text complete, in contemporary mottled calf, gilt filet to covers, spine chipped at head and foot, simply ruled in gilt with red morocco label lettered in gilt, with the later booklabel of James Stevens Cox.
ESTC R202, listing several copies in England and Boston Public, Folger, Harvard, Huntington, Indiana, Clark, Vassar and Yale in America.
Wing H2094A.
More details Price: £600.00 -
The Irenarch:
or, Justice of the Peace’s Manual. Addressed to the Gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace for the County of Leicester. By a Gentleman of the Commission. To which is prefixed, a Dedication to Lord Mansfield, by Another Hand.
London, 1774.
Second Edition. 8vo, (210 x 125mm), pp. [ii], lxxv, [i], 82, stabbing marks still visible throughout the margin from an earlier temporary binding, in contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards, plain spine with raised bands.
ESTC t104398, at BL, CUL, Glasgow, LSE, Rylands; Columbia, Harvard, Huntington and Macalester College.
More details Price: £350.00 -
The true history of the state prisoner,
commonly called the Iron Mask, extracted from documents in the French archives. By the hon. George Agar Ellis.
London, John Murray, 1826.
First Edition. 12mo, pp. [iv], viii, 352, some scattered foxing in text, in contemporary half calf over marbled boards, spine gilt in compartments with green morocco label lettered in gilt, with a later bookplate messily removed, over a yellow one, torn and largely obscured, with the signature of M. Connolly Baldoyh (?).
More details Price: £300.00