- Tag = Continental Books
Anti Rousseau,
par le Poëte sans Fard.
Rotterdam, Fritsch and Böhm, 1712.
First Edition. 12mo, (153 x 92mm), engraved frontispiece and pp. xii, 534, folding engraved plate, title page in red and black, in contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt in compartments, slightly worn especially head of spine, red morocco label lettered in gilt, with Lachèvre's book, feather and snake device gilt on the upper cover and his Le Vésinet bookplate (skull and books on table).
See Lachèvre, ‘Bibliographie des ouvrages de Gacon’, 1927, in Bulletin du Bibliophile.
Cioranescu 29968 (calling for pp. 512, ie the second edition, see above).
More details Price: £400.00 -
Galerie de l'ancienne Cour
ou Mémoires Anecdotes pour servir à l’histoire des regnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. Tome Premier [-Troisième].
First Edition. Three volumes, pp. xxiv, 379; iv, 476; iv, 456, 461-496, marginal tear to I D3, repaired, and to I G12, with no loss, in contemporary half speckled calf over brown textured boards, brown morocco labels on spines lettered and numbered in gilt.
Tchemerzine V, p. 657; Formel, Bibliographie des Mémoires de Saint-Simon, p. 50; see Gay II, 381; not in Cioranescu.
OCLC lists Koninklijke, NYU and Montreal.
More details Price: £500.00 -
La Vie de Laurent de Medicis,
surnommé le Grand, et le Père des Lettres, Chef de la Republique de Florence; Adressée au Pape Léon X: Traduite du Latin de Nicolas Valori, son Contemporain. Avec des Notes, & quelques Piéces anciennes qui ont rapport au même sujet.
Paris, Nyon, 1761.
First Edition in French. 12mo, pp. xxiv, 346, [2], small marginal hole on p. 65, in contemporary northern European mottled calf, flat spine gilt in continuous diced pattern, orange morocco label lettered in gilt, brightly patterned black and white endpapers, all edges red, from the Starhenberg library at Schloss Eferding, though not so designated.
Cioranescu 31682.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Roman Pastoral. Par M. de Florian, Capitaine de Dragons, et Gentilhomme de S.A.S. Monseigneur le Duc de Penthièvre, des Académies de Madrid, de Florence, de Lyon, de Nismes, d'Angers, &c...
Paris, l’Imprimerie de Monsieur, Debure, 1788.
Third Edition; Same Year and Imprint as First Edition. 8vo, (119 x 115mm), pp. [ii], 235, [1], library stamp on the title page but otherwise an excellent copy, sumputously bound in contemporary or slightly later red morocco, floral border within rules to both covers, flat spine simply gilt in compartments with black morocco label lettered in gilt, silk endpapers, gilt dentelles, binding probably contemporary with the presentation inscription on the front free endpaper 'à Père Charvin ainé, de Lyon... 1815'.
Cioranescu 28777; MMF 88.53.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Histoire Detaillée
Des Isles De Jersey Et Guernsey, Traduite De L'Anglois Par Mr. Le Rouge, Ingénieur Géographe du Roi & de S.A.S. M. le Comte de Clermont.
Paris, la Veuve Delaguette & Duchesne, 1757.
First Edition in French. 12mo (158 x 90 mm), pp. [ii], iv, [ii], 181, [3], including one whole page woodcut diagram and two part page woodcuts in text, two large folding maps (330 x 225 mm and 315 x 425 mm), two small wormholes at the head of the first three leaves, in contemporary mottled sheepskin, corners and headcaps chipped, smooth spine divided into six panels with gilt compartments, lettered in the second on a tan label, the others tooled with a flower, stars and sprigs, edges of the boards tooled with a gilt roll, plain endleaves, red edges, preserved in a recent quarter red goatskin box, spine lettered in gilt.
OCLC lists four copies in continental Europe and Cambridge, Leeds, Dartmouth (UK), Bodleian, Harvard and Goucher.
More details Price: £1,400.00 -
Cantici ed Inni Cristiani del conte Luigi Tadini posti in musica popolare dai maistri Giuseppe Gazzaniga e Stefano Pavesi. Opera preceduta da alcune considerazione sulla Musica e sulla Poesia.
Crema, Antonio Ronna, 1818.
First Edition. Folio (350 x 245 mm), pp. 60, [2], 25 engraved music, title-page dampstained, in the original red paper boards, flat spine gilt in compartments and lettered in gilt, with attractive red and green patterned endpapers.
OCLC lists BL and Glasgow only.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Le Sacrifice De L’Amour;
ou La Messe de Cythere; suivi du Sermon prèché a Gnide, et d’un nouveau Dictionnaire d’Amour, dans lequel on trouvera plusieurs pièces inédites ou peu connues, telles que l’Art de prendre les oiseaux, ou les leçons de l’amour, poëme anacréontique; les articles les plus piquans du Dictionnaire d’Amour du berger Sylvain; la plus grande partie de ceux du Dictionnaire d’Amour qui parût à la Haye, en 1741; et une foule de morceaux extraits des meilleurs écrivains anciens et modernes.
‘Sybaris’, ie. Bordeaux, ‘l’Imprimeur Ordinaire du Plaisir’, 1809.
First Edition. 12mo (183 x 100 mm), 8vo, pp. [xvi], 17-313, [2] errata, [1] blank; some foxing and browning in the text, uncut throughout recased in contemporary marbled wrappers with later card pastedowns, lacking free endpapers.
OCLC lists BN, BL, Cambridge, Amsterdam, McGill and Stanford.
Cioranescu 42536; Gay III, 1059.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Avis respectueux et désintéressé à Guillaume V
Prince d’Orange, Stadhouder, Capitaine et Amiral-Général de l’Union; sur le parti à prendre, dans l’état actuel de la République, par Un vrai Ami de la Patrie & de l’Illustre Maison de Nassau-Orange.
‘En Holland’, ie. Leiden, De Does, 1783.
8vo (202 x 115 mm), pp. xvi, 72, in contemporary quarter calf over speckled boards, slim spine gilt in compartments with orange and green morocco labels lettered (’Guillaume V’) and stamped in gilt, a little rubbed at extremities, the Starhemberg copy with the usual stamp and crayon shelf mark on the half-title and with typically lovely patterned endpapers in red and green with cross-hatching and floral strips, red edges.
OCLC lists BL, BN, Koninklijke, Berlin, Augsburg, Bamberg, Trinity Dublin and Harvard.
Cioranescu 11370.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Novella Romantica
col testo originale Inglese posta in versi Italiani sopra Traduzione Letterale e Poesie Diverse di L. P. Seconda Edizione.
Bologna, Marsigli, 1823 (altered by stamp from 1821).
Three works in one, small 4to (200 x 145 mm), pp. [32], partly in parallel text with the English translation; pp. [24], with the divisional title ‘Rime Faceto-Morale’ handstamped ‘Estemporanee’; pp. [8], some of the paper lightly but evenly browned, in contemporary blue paper boards with simple gilt roll tool border, slim spine ruled into compartments in gilt with floral device in each compartment in gilt, extremities worn and some scuffing to the surface of the spine and boards, yellow edges.
Novella Romantica: OCLC lists BN and Bodleian only, both dated 1821, Bodley copy pp. [24]. The other two works not in OCLC.
More details Price: £750.00