- Tag = Continental Books
Emilie de Varmont, ou le Divorce Nécessaire, et les Amours du Curé de Sévin, par l'Auteur de Faublas. Tome Premier [-Troisième]. Paris, Bailly, 1791.
First Edition. Three volumes in one, 12mo in sixes, (124 x 75mm), engraved frontispiece by Lorieux after Chaillou to each volume and pp. [iv], [5]-160; [iv], [5]-174; [iv], 191, [1], occasional light dampstaining, in contemporary quarter green calf over marbled boards with vellum tips, flat spine ruled and decorated in gilt, lettered in gilt, with the contemporary heraldic bookplate of E.W. Wynne Pendarves.
Cioranescu 40897; MMF 91.34; Oberlé 142; Cohen-de Ricci p. 661 (1794 edition).
More details Price: £850.00 -
Le Bachelier de Salamanque,
ou les Memoires de D. Cherubin de la Ronda, tirés d'un Manuscrit Espagnol, par Monsieur Le Sage.
Paris, Valleyre, 1736.
First Edition. 12mo, (155 x 84mm), pp. [viii], 378, [5], with three engraved plates, one to accompany each section, outer corner of text dampstained in the last few leaves and some light browning to the prelims, in contemporary or slightly later free-style tree calf with an attractive simple gilt border on the covers, the spine stained green, gilt in compartments with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, Chiswick bookplate.
Jones p. 59; Cioranescu 39528 (giving p. 383); Cohen-de Ricci c. 635; Tchemerzine VII, 206.
More details Price: £250.00 -
Les Bijoux Indiscrets. Tome Premier [Second]. ‘Monomotapa’, ie Paris, 1748.
Second Edition. Two volumes, 12mo, (160 x 92mm), engraved frontispiece and pp. [viii], 288; [iv], 332, four further engraved plates in volume one and two further in volume two, wanting the final leaf, ‘Avis au Relieur’, marginal tear on I, 239, in contemporary half sheep over speckled boards, spines gilt in compartments with green morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, attractive colourful patterned endpapers, edges marbled.
Adams, Bibliographie des Œuvres de Diderot, BI2; Tchemerzine IV p. 430 B; Jones p. 97; Darnton Check List 62; see also Cioranescu 24057; Darnton, Forbidden Best-Sellers, p. 90; Gay I, 303; Cohen-de Ricci c. 303.
More details Price: £950.00 -
Culture de la Grosse Asperge,
dite de Holland, la plus précoce, la plus hâtive, la plus fécond & la plus durable que l’on connoisse. Traité qui présente les moyens de la cultiver avec succès, en toutes sortes de terres. Par M. Fillassier, des Académies d’Arras, de Lyon, de Marseille, & Corespondant de celle de Toulouse. Nouvelle Edition.
Amsterdam, Méquignon, 1784.
Second Edition. 12mo, pp. iv, 149, [2] table of contents,
paper fault p. 67/68, touching the text, in contemporary half sheep over marbled boards, spine ruled in gilt, wanting the label.More details Price: £450.00 -
Mon Bonnet de Nuit. Par M. Mercier... Tome Premier [-Quatrième]. Neuchâtel, la Société Typographique, 1784 [Vols III & IV: Lausanne, Jean-Pierre Heubach, 1785].
First Edition of Vols. I & II; Vols. III & IV same year as the first edition. Four volumes, 8vo, (190 x 114mm), pp. [iv], 396; [iv], 423; [ii], 360; [ii], 346, wanting the half-titles in the third and fourth volumes, occasional heavy browning in the last two volumes, in contemporary mottled calf, central monogram gilt on all covers, spines gilt in compartments, numbered in gilt, red morocco labels lettered in gilt.
Cioranescu 44452, calling for two 1784 Neuchatel volumes only; see also Gay III 257, 'curieux receuil d'anecdotes pour servir à l'histoire du XVIII siècle'.
More details Price: £650.00 -
Les foiblesses d’une jolie femme,
ou Mémoires de Madame de Vilfranc, Ecrits par elle-même. Première [-Seconde] Partie.
Amsterdam, Belin, 1779.
Second Edition? Two parts in one volume, 12mo, (160 x 87mm), pp. viii, 94; [iv], 103, wanting the final advertisement (?) leaf to the first volume, in contemporary quarter calf over imitation leather boards, flat spine gilt in compartments, green morocco label (surface rather chipped) vertically lettered in gilt, head of spine chipped.
See Cioranescu 48442; MMF 79.28; Gay II 226 (under ‘faiblesses’).
More details Price: £450.00 -
Les Souvenirs de Félicie L***. Par Mme de Genlis. Seconde Edition. Paris, Maradan, 1806.
Second Edition. 12mo, (168 x 88mm), pp. 394, in slightly later dark blue half morocco over green marbled boards, spine simply ruled and lettered in gilt, all edges green, with the ownership inscription ‘E. ? Nugent’ and the later bookplate of Anthony Surtees.
See Cioranescu 30650.
More details Price: £100.00 -
Marie Menzikof, et Fédor Dolgorouki Histoire Russe, en forme de lettres. Traduit de l’Allemand d’Auguste La Fontaine. Par Mme. Isabelle de Montolieu. Tome I [-II]. Paris, Gosset, 1804.
First Edition in French. Two volumes, 12mo, (155 x 90mm), pp. viii, 376; [ii], 291, bound without the half-titles, in contemporary half calf over marbled boards, flat spines ruled and gilt in compartments, lettered and numbered in gilt directly onto the spines, joints slightly splitting, some wear to extremities, attractive but for a sizeable piece of leather missing from the head of the spine of vol. I (10x17mm), with the bookplates of John Drummond and Anthony Surtees.
OCLC lists Bodleian, Toronto, Amsterdam, Missouri and Princeton only. The Londres 1804 edition only slightly more common, at CUL, UCLA, Yale, Rider University, Cleveland PL and Texas.
Cioranescu 47088; not in Gay, who lists Duperche’s 1817 translation only (III, 65); Cf. Summers, pp. 89 and 298.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Poetæ minores Græci. Hesiodus, Theocritus, Moschus,... Quibus subjungitur eorum potissimum quae ad Philosophiam Moralem pertinent, Index Utilis. Accedunt etiam Observationes Radulphi Wintertoni in Hesiodum. Cambridge, Hayes, 1684.
8vo, pp. [viii], 224, 227-533, [1], 88, [1], [2], title-page with typographic border, parallel text in Greek and Latin throughout, tightly bound in continental contemporary vellum, double gilt filet to covers with corner ornaments, central rectangular panels with a hooved long-tailed figure with a human face leaning on a heraldic shield, lacking ties, spine ruled and stamped in gilt, in four compartments, tooling faded and lettered in ink over the faded ornament in the top compartment, with the bookplate of Reinholdi Dezeimeris in Latin and Greek.
Wing P2734.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Il finto Cavaliere
o siano le Memorie di Madamigella di Mainville Scritte dal Marchese d’Argens, e per la prima volta Tradotte dal Francese.
Venice, Locatelli, 1767.
First Edition in Italian. 8vo, engraved frontispiece and pp. [iii]-xvi, CXCVII, [8] advertisements, occasional light browning in text, uncut throughout in contemporary white paste-paper boards, spine lettered in ink, remains of library shelf label at foot of spine, early ownership inscription crossed out on front paste down and some faded manuscript notes.
See Cioranescu 8306; not in OCLC.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Le Sopha, Conte Moral.
Première [-Second] Volume.
‘Gaznah’, ie Paris, 1742.
Second Edition. Two volumes, 12mo in eights and fours, (162 x 92mm), pp. [vi], 298; [vi], 264, title pages in red and black, in contemporary calf, spines gilt in compartments, head of spines chipped, upper joint of first volume cracking, other joints beginning to show some wear, extremities bumped, red morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, with the bookplate of Anthony Conyers Surtees in volume one.
Jones p. 79; Tchemerzine IV, p. 193 (b) and p. 194 (figs. I & II); Gay III 1135; see Cioranescu 21744.
OCLC lists McGill, Arkansas, Yale, Harvard, Texas, Bodley & V&A; RLIN adds Princeton and Penn.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Vita Costumi e Scritti
del Conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli, Patrizio Bresciano.
Brescia, Bossini, 1766.
First Edition. 8vo, engraved portrait frontispiece and pp. [iv], 5-120, title-page vignette, in contemporary vellum, a little bit dusty and stained but sound and internally a clean and crisp copy, red morocco label lettered in gilt, with the contemporary inscription ‘1767 di Faustino Gussago’, all edges marbled.
OCLC and RLIN list copies at Oxford, Göttingen, Stanford, Berkeley, Newberry, Illinois, Harvard and Duke.
More details Price: £700.00 -
Politica de Dios,
y Govierno de Christo, Sacada de la Sagrada Escritura, para acierto de Rey, y Reyno en sus Acciones. Por Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Senor de la Torre de Juan Abad.
Madrid, Joseph Rodriguez de Escobar, 1729.
4to, (208 x 142mm), pp. [xvi], 333, [4] table of contents, text heavily browned in part, but externally wonderfully fresh in later eighteenth century English half calf over marbled boards, spine gilt in compartments, red morocco label lettered in gilt, the Macclesfield copy with blind stamps, shelf marks and the South Library bookplate.
OCLC lists Columbia, DLC, Penn State and Dibam Biblioteca National de Chile.
Palau 243833.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Commentaire Historique
sur les Oeuvres de l’Auteur de l’Henriade, &c. Avec les Piéces originales & les preuves.
Basle, Héritiers de Paul Duker, 1776.
First Edition. 8vo, (193 x 115mm), pp. iv, 282, in contemporary mottled calf, flat spine gilt in compartments, yellow and red morocco labels lettered in gilt.
Cioranescu 64527; BN Voltaire Catalogue 4350.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Receuil des plus belles pieces des Poetes françois
depuis Villon jusqu'à Benserade. Tome Premier... [-Sixième].
Paris, Compagnie des Libraires, 1752.
Six volumes, small 12mo, pp. [xi], [i], 322; [ii], 314; [ii], 292; [ii], 312; [ii], 296; [ii], 260, [2] approbation, in contemporary mottled calf, blind rule to covers, flat spines elaborately gilt in compartments, red and black morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, with the contemporary bookplate of 'G.D.M.', a member of the Guillebon family, and the typographic booklabel of Madame Guillebon, la jeune, circa 1800: an excellent set with a nice provenance.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Les Confessions
de J. J. Rousseau, suivies des Réveries du Promeneur Solitaire. Tome Premier [-Second]. [with:] Second Supplément a la Collection des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève. Tome Premier [-Second]. [with:] Seconde Partie des Confessions de J. J. Rousseau. Suivie d’un nouveau choix de Lettres de l’Auteur. Tome Premier.
Geneva, 1782-1789.
First Edition of volumes III and IV; Volumes I and II same year as the First Edition. Five volumes, 12mo, (164 x 92mm), pp. [iv], 316; [iv], 396; 439, with the final page beginning ‘ses mortelles’; 403, with the last line of the final page beginning ‘cette lecture’; [ii], 444, in near-uniform contemporary speckled morocco, joints weakening, some signs of wear with staining and rubbing, with some careful restoration, spines gilt with red and green morocco labels lettered in gilt, with the contemporary ownership inscription of Elizabeth Bateman in each volume, trimmed close with some loss in the final three volumes.
Tchemerzine, V, 563; see also Cioranescu 54642-54643.
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
Le Passe-Tems Agréable,
ou Nouveaux Choix de Bons Mots, de Pensées Ingénieuses, de Rencontres Plaisantes, dont une partie n’avoit point encore été mise au jour, Enrichi d’une Elite des plus Vives Gasconnades, Qui ne sont point dans le Gasconniana, Et de quelques Nouvelles Histoires Galantes, Le tout avec des Réflexions. Nouvelle Edition, augmentée de plus de double. Première Partie [-Seconde].
New Edition, ‘double the size of the last’. Two volumes, 12mo, pp. [xiv], 228; [ii], 216, in contemporary mottled calf, flat spines gilt in compartments with floral vignette, red and olive green morocco labels lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges red, green silk markers.
OCLC lists Louisiana State University.
More details Price: £380.00 -
Le Veritable Pere Josef
Capucin, nommé au Cardinalat. Contenant l’histoire anecdote du Cardinal de Richelieu.
Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Butler, 1704.
Second edition, first under this title. 12mo, pp. [iv], 589, [11], some light browning to text, in contemporary polished calf, triple gilt ruled border to covers, spine chipped at head and foot, otherwise attractive, richly gilt in compartments with a brown morocco label lettered in gilt, all edges marbled, blue marbled endpapers, with a barely readable ownership inscription on the title page and ‘Bibliothèque de Gaignal’ in a contemporary hand in brown ink on the final free endpaper.
See Cioranescu 59193.
More details Price: £350.00 -
La Vita di Pietro Aretino scritta dal conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli Bresciano. Padua, Comino, 1741
First Edition. 8vo, engraved portrait frontispiece and pp. viii, 303, [1] colophon, [4] advertisements, in contemporary glazed cream paper boards, front joint cracking, headcap chipped, some other light wear and stains, yellow labels on spine lettered in gilt, the lower one ruled in ink.
Brunet III, 1563.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Tableau du siècle.
Par un Auteur Connu.
Geneva, 1759.
First Edition. 12mo, (165 x 88mm), pp. [iv], xix, [i], 227, [1], in contemporary mottled calf, flat spine gilt in continuous pattern, red morocco label lettered in gilt.
OCLC lists Princeton, Minnesota, Santa Barbara and Cornell.
Cioranescu 48360.
More details Price: £450.00