- Tag = Continental Books
Discours sur la liberté de penser,
par Mr. A. Collins. Traduit de l’Anglois & augmenté d’une Lettre d’un Médecin Arabe; avec l’Examen de ces deux Ouvrages par Mr. de Crouzas. Nouvelle Edition, corrigée. Tome Premier [-Second].
Londres, 1766.
Second Edition; First Collected. Two volumes in one, 8vo, (155 x 90 mm), pp. xii, 256,157-168 (ie 268); viii, 211, B4 and B5 partly loose at the gutter, in contemporary calf, triple gilt filet on the covers, brown morocco labels on the spine lettered and numbered in gilt, flat spine gilt in herringbone pattern, marbled endpapers, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
See Cioranescu 57557 & 21911; Quérard II, 253.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Mémoires presentés à Monseigneur le duc d’Orleans,
Régent de France. Contenant les moyens de rendre ce Royaume très puissant, & d’augmenter considerablement les revenus du Roi & du Peuple. Par le C. de Boulainvilliers. Tome I [-II].
The Hague, aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1727.
First Edition. Two volumes in one, 8vo, (152 x 88 mm), pp. [vi], 158; [vi], 5-230, [2] table and errata, title-page to the first volume printed in red and black, the second title-page printed in black only, in contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt in compartments, brown morocco label lettered in gilt, surface cracking to joints and extremities a little rubbed, plain endpapers, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Cioranescu 13383; Einaudi 656; INED 714.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Des Principes des Négociations,
pour servir d’Introduction au droit public de l’Europe, fondé sur les traités. Par M. l’Abbé de Mably.
‘A La Haye’, ie Paris, 1757.
First Edition. 12mo, (163 x 92 mm) pp. viii, 278, initial blank removed, in contemporary mottled calf, extremities a little worn, spine gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Cioranescu 41170; Tchemerzine VII, 265.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Philosophie de Kant.
Ou Principes Fondamentaux de la Philosophie Transcendentale. Par Charles Villiers, de la Société royale des sciences de Gottingue. Première [-Seconde] Partie.
Metz, Collignon, 1801.
First Edition. 8vo, (180 x 115 mm), pp. lxviii, 249, [1], [2], 251-441, lacking the final endpapers, small stain to the upper margin of the preliminary leaves, marginal paper repair to title-page, in contemporary tree calf, rather worn, corners bumped, front joint cracking, flat spine gilt in compartments with black morocco label lettered in gilt, paper label largely removed, marbled endpapers, red edges, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
OCLC lists the National Library of Spain only.
Cioranescu 63496.
More details Price: £2,400.00 -
Tableaux de la Bonne Compagnie
de Versailles et de Paris; ou Traits caractéristiques, Anecdotes secretes, Politiques, Morales & Littéraires, recueillies dans les Sociétés du bon ton, pendant les Années 1786 & 1787. Par M. le Ch. de B***. Tome Premier [-Second].
Paris, tous les Marchands de Nouveautés, 1787.
Third Edition. 8vo, (197 x 112 mm), pp. [ii], [3]-198; [ii], [3]-176, tear on E2 (pp. 67-8) through the page number but with no loss, in contemporary mottled calf, rubbed at extremities, spine gilt in compartments, brown morocco label lettered in gilt, head and foot of spine chipped, marbled endpapers, red edges.
MMF 87:19; Jacob, Bibliographie et Iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne, pp. 333-334; see Cohen-de Ricci 879 (under Restif).
OCLC lists this edition at the BN and Biblioteca Nacional de Espana.
More details Price: £900.00 -
La Paysanne Parvenue,
ou les Mémoires de Madame la Marquise de L.V. Par M. le Chevalier de Mouhy. Tome Premier [-Quatriéme].
Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1757.
Four volumes (twelve parts) in two, 12mo, (160 x 95 mm), pp. [ii], 8, 240; [ii], 3-4, 206; [ii], 222; [ii], 260, title pages printed in red and black, considerable dampstaining in text, in contemporary mottled calf, spines gilt in compartments with red morocco labels lettered in gilt and brown labels numbered in gilt, marbled endpapers, extremities bumped, wormholes on the front board of the second volume, from the library of Claude Lebédel.
Martin, Mylne & Frautschi, Bibliographie du genre romanesque français 1751-1800, 57.R38; see also Jones p. 56; Cioranescu 47515 (7 parts) and 47516 (Amsterdam, 12 parts).
OCLC lists the BN and two copies in Slovenia.
More details Price: £200.00 -
Histoire des Sevarambes, Peuples qui habitent une Partie du troisiéme Continent, communément apellé La Terre Australe. Contenant une Relation du Gouvernement, des Mœurs, de la Religion, & du Langage de cette Nation, inconnuë jusqu’à present aux Peuples de l’Europe. Tome Premier [-Second]. Nouvelle Edition, corrigée & augmentée. Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1715.
New Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Two volumes in one, 12mo, (156 x 84mm), pp. xviii, 273; [ii], 247, title page to the first volume laid down, early tears and weakness still visible, outer edges of I, xviii and II, 21 & 23 reinforced, in contemporary green morocco, spine faded, gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers and edges.
OCLC lists Glasgow, three copies in Paris and UCLA, Delaware, Michigan and Ohio State.
See Hartig pp. 34 -35 (not listing this edition).
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
Mémoires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille,
Seigneur de Brantome, contenans les Vies des Dames Illustres de France de son temps.
Leiden, Jean Sambix, 1665.
First Edition. 12mo, (127 x 75mm), pp. [vi], [ii] blank, 407, [1]; small marginal tear on p. 363, just touching the text but with no loss, in contemporary vellum, sturdy but a little spotted and browned, slightly spine lettered in ink.
OCLC lists BN, Sainte-Geneviève, Oxford, Cambridge, Aberdeen, Harvard, Princeton, Suny, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Penn and James Munroe Museum.
Tchemerzine, II, pp. 110-111.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Lettre à un Amateur de la Peinture
avec des Eclaircissemens Historiques sur un Cabinet et les Auteurs des Tableaux qui le composent. Ouvrage entremêlé de Digressions sur la vie des plusieurs Peintres modernes.
Dresden, George Conrad Walther, 1755.
First Edition. 8vo (188 x 120 mm), pp. [iv], 368, [14], the preliminary leaves including the frontispiece illustration, text fairly heavily browned, uncut throughout, in the original drab boards, spine lettered in ink.
Cicognara, Catalogo ragionato dei libri d’arte e d’antichità posseduti dal Conte Cicognara, Bologna 19798, no. 1162.
More details Price: £900.00 -
Lisvart de Grèce,
Roman de Chevalerie; ou Suite d’Amadis de Gaule. Par M. de Mayer. Tome Premier [-Cinquième].
Amsterdam, 1788.
First Edition. Five volumes, 12mo, (139 x 78mm), pp. [iv], xii, 298, with four leaves of engraved music; [iv], 334, with one leaf of engraved music; [iv], 314, with three leaves of engraved music; [iv], 309, with two leaves of engraved music; [iv], 330, with two leaves of engraved music (a total of 12 leaves of engraved music), in contemporary pale mottled calf, the boards coloured with a red pigment leaving the spines pale but speckled (I don’t think they are just faded), green morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, flat spines gilt in compartments, simple tooled border to covers, dark blue endpapers, gilt edges.
OCLC lists DLC and Cleveland Public Library only.
Cioranescu 44113; MMF 88:91.
More details Price: £800.00 -
L’Esprit des Beaux Arts.
Tome Premier [-Second].
Paris, Bauche, 1753.
First Edition. Two volumes in one, 12mo, (165 x 88mm), pp. [iv], 252, [3] contents and errata; [iv], 231, [3] contents and errata, [5] privilege, 17 publisher’s catalogue, engraved vignettes on both title pages, with the half titles, in contemporary calf, a little dusty and worn, headcap missing, spine gilt in compartments with dark morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, red edges.
Cioranescu 27897; Cohen-de Ricci 363.
More details Price: £400.00 -
La Famille Vertueuse. Lettres traduites de l’Anglais. Par M. de la Bretone. Première [-Quatrième] Partie. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1767.
First Edition. Four volumes, 12mo in eights and fours, (162 x 90mm), pp. xxxvi, 251; [iv], [5]-288 (A7 and D1-4 misbound); [iv], [5]-300; [iv], [5]-299, [13] table, the title pages within the usual ornamental borders, tear III 109-112, touching text but with no loss, repaired, in contemporary sheep-backed green boards, brown and black morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, simply gilt rules to the foot of the spines, red edges.
OCLC lists Lyon, BL, Cambridge, Leeds; McGill, Bancroft, Chicago, Harvard, Walters Art Museum, Princeton and Yale.
Cioranescu 52652; MMF 67.43; Gay II 231-232; Rives Childs 197-198.
More details Price: £1,800.00 -
Le monde, son Origine, et son Antiquité. [-De l’Ame et de son Immortalité - Essai sur la Chronologie.]
Première [Seconde] Partie.
Londres, 1751.
First Edition. Three parts in one volume, 12mo, (168 x 100mm), pp. xii, 244; [iv], 172; 72, some leaves in the final part dust-soiled along the lower edge, prior to binding, in contemporary polished calf, triple filet to covers, flat spine continuously gilt with brown morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, with the decorative engraved bookplate of the ‘Bibliothèque de Henri Tardivi’.
Darnton, The Corpus of Clandestine Literature in France 1769-1789, no. 452; Cioranescu 11384 & 45100-45101 & 39047-39048.
ESTC n30361, well held in France and the UK; California State, Wisconsin-Madison, DLC, UCLA, Chicago and North Carolina in America. OCLC adds Princeton and Stanford.
More details Price: £800.00 -
Essai historique et philosophique sur le Goût.
Par M. Cartaud de la Vilate.
Londres, 1751.
12mo, (162 x 90mm), pp. [viii], 327, with the half-title, in contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments with sun-burst tooling, yellow morocco label lettered in gilt, a few small surface abrasions, red edges, marbled endpapers.
ESTC t101745, at BL, Cambridge, Taylorian; Getty, NYPL, Illinois, Toronto and Yale. OCLC adds Cincinnati.
See Cioranescu 15737.
More details Price: £500.00 -
Henriette de Gerstenfeld,
ou Lettres écrites pendant la dernière guerre de 1779, pour la Succession de la Baviere, &c. En 3 vol. 8°. ornés de figures en taille-douces. Tome Premier [-Troisième].
Geneva, Nouffer de Rodon, 1782.
First Edition in French. Three parts in one volume, 12mo, (163 x 95mm), pp. [ii], iv, 174; [ii], 232; [ii], 152, eight engraved plates in the text, considerable browning in the first and last sections, some insignificant tears to text, wanting the front free endpaper, in contemporary calf backed boards, rubbed but sound, spine ruled in gilt with orange label lettered in gilt.
OCLC listst BN, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, St. Gallen and Chicago only.
MMF 82.15; see also Garside, Raven and Schöwerling 1786:17.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Lettres Persanes, Nouvelle Edition Augmentée d’un Sommaire à chaque Lettre & d’une Table. Tome Premier [-Second.] Cologne, Pierre Marteau, 1752.
New Edition. Two volumes in one, 12mo, (158 x 90mm), pp. [iv], 214, [9]; [iv], 238, [9], with a final table of contents to each part, title-pages in red and black, with charming vignettes, in contemporary quarter calf over yellow boards, slightly scuffed, spine brightly gilt in compartments with red and green morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, red edges, green silk marker.
OCLC lists several copies in Europe and Israel, Montreal and UCLA.
MMF 52.R37; En Français dans le texte, no. 138.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Mémoires du Marquis de Solanges.
Première [-Seconde] Partie.
Amsterdam, Esclapart, 1766.
Second Edition. Two parts in one volume, 12mo, (162 x 90mm), pp. [iv], 151, [1]; [vi], 171, [1]; in contemporary quarter calf over yellow boards, spine gilt in compartments with red and green morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, red edges.
OCLC lists Amsterdam, McGill, UCLA, NYPL and Vanderbilt.
Cioranescu 34767; Gay III, 163; MMF 66.27.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Histoire de M. le Marquis de Cressy, Traduite de l’Anglois par Madame de ***. Amsterdam, 1758.
First Edition. 12mo in eights and fours, (162 x 92mm), pp. [ii], 176, 3 errata, text a little browned and creased in part, in contemporary mottled calf, slightly rubbed, head and tail of spine slightly chipped, marbled endpapers, red edges, with the contemporary ownership inscription of Ernest d’Aumont.
OCLC lists BN, BL, Göttingen, London Library, British Columbia, UCLA, Yale and Williams College.
MMF 58:17; Cioranescu 53041.
More details Price: £600.00 -
Magasin Enigmatique,
contenant un grand nombre d’Enigmes ingénieuses, choisies entre toutes celles qui ont paru depuis près d’un Siecle.
Paris, la Veuve Duchesne, 1767.
First Edition. 12mo, pp. viii, 376, in contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments, brown morocco label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers and edges.
OCLC lists BN, Sainte-Geneviève, Rennes, Lyon, Copenhagen and BL.
Cioranescu 7812.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Testament Politique
du Maréchal duc de Belle-Isle.
Paris, aux dépens des Libraires associés, 1762.
Small 8vo, (154 x 87mm), pp. v [ie viii], 184, in contemporary Germany speckled calf, spine gilt in compartments with black morocco label lettered in gilt, covers gilt with heraldic arms and lettered ‘AWGVDS’, with the elegant heraldic bookplate of Achatz Wilhelm, ReichsGraff von der Schulenburg, marbled endpapers.
OCLC lists BL, Cambridge, NLS, Yale, College of the Holy Cross, Princeton and Syracuse.
See Cioranescu 19479; Einaudi, 1076; Goldsmiths, 9713; INED, 379; Higgs, 2627
More details Price: £500.00