Mémoires du Marquis de Solanges. Première [-Seconde] Partie. Amsterdam, Esclapart, 1766.
Second Edition. Two parts in one volume, 12mo, (162 x 90mm), pp. [iv], 151, [1]; [vi], 171, [1]; in contemporary quarter calf over yellow boards, spine gilt in compartments with red and green morocco labels lettered and numbered in gilt, red edges.
A light-hearted sentimental novel set in diplomatic circles in Brussels and the Hague. The author, an officer in the cavalry, was a popular novelist ‘connu comme littérateur dans le genre léger où il a fait preuve d’un certain esprit’ (DLF). Desboulmiers, as he was known, also had an interest in the theatre and a broad knowledge of its history. His two most important works on theatre history, Histoire anecdotique et raisonnée du théâtre italien, Paris 1769 and Histoire du théâtre de l’Opéra-Comique, Paris 1769, are still consulted today.
This is one of three novels first published in 1766 by Desboulmiers, the others being De tout un peu ou les amusements de la campagne, Amsterdam 1766 and Honny soit qui mal y pense ou histoires de filles célebres du XVIIIe siècle, Londres 1766. This is the second of two editions of this work which appeared in the same year under the same imprint. MMF record a further three editions.
OCLC lists Amsterdam, McGill, UCLA, NYPL and Vanderbilt.
Cioranescu 34767; Gay III, 163; MMF 66.27.